After heavy, daily, use of Style Prototypes for the past month I've noticed one use-prohibitive quirk that I'm trying to troubleshoot. This issue has to do with the rendering of the dev environment (generated components/layouts) and its IP address upon running the gulp task.
I've found that Style Prototypes runs consistently, without error, in Firefox and Safari. Chrome, for whatever reason seems to hit a wall and stop rendering all Style Prototype components within the main ng-view markup. I don't know a lot about Node or Yeoman (Style Prototypes is first exposure), nor do I have any clue how all this magical stuff works -- so please view this issue with that picture framed in mind.
Console error:
SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input
at Object.parse (native)
at Object.B [as fromJson] (
at Object.f [as get] (
at Object.<anonymous> (
at Object.r [as invoke] (
at n (
at r (
at Object.i [as instantiate] (
at <main ng-view="" class="ng-scope">
Started and stopped my current Gulp task - sometimes the "layouts" main navigation bar doesn't load, or "components" won't load but other parts will load fine.
Started a brand new style-prototypes build and migrated my components and partials over. The same inevitable Chrome issue presents itself and persists.
I do not receive any JSHint errors in my terminal window, or any other visible build-related errors outside of the above Chrome-specific console error. Firefox and Safari do not throw the same console errors - or any error at all. My uneducated guess wonders if it's Angular-related? Or maybe BrowserSync versus Chrome?
I have successfully ran Style Prototypes outside of my home ethernet connection and typical BrowserSync IP server address -- as I received a new/different BrowserSync IP address and Style Prototypes has run smoothly in Chrome for a period of time (maybe 10 minutes - at worst-case) and then will no longer render component content in Chrome.
After heavy, daily, use of Style Prototypes for the past month I've noticed one use-prohibitive quirk that I'm trying to troubleshoot. This issue has to do with the rendering of the dev environment (generated components/layouts) and its IP address upon running the
task.I've found that Style Prototypes runs consistently, without error, in Firefox and Safari. Chrome, for whatever reason seems to hit a wall and stop rendering all Style Prototype components within the
main ng-view
markup. I don't know a lot about Node or Yeoman (Style Prototypes is first exposure), nor do I have any clue how all this magical stuff works -- so please view this issue with that picture framed in mind.Console error:
Screenshots - chrome vs firefox
Output after running
yo --version && echo $PATH $NODE_PATH && node -e 'console.log(process.platform, process.versions)' && cat Gulpfile.js
My system:
I have done the following to troubleshoot:
npm update -g yo
gulp refresh
folderI do not receive any JSHint errors in my terminal window, or any other visible build-related errors outside of the above Chrome-specific console error. Firefox and Safari do not throw the same console errors - or any error at all. My uneducated guess wonders if it's Angular-related? Or maybe BrowserSync versus Chrome?
I have successfully ran Style Prototypes outside of my home ethernet connection and typical BrowserSync IP server address -- as I received a new/different BrowserSync IP address and Style Prototypes has run smoothly in Chrome for a period of time (maybe 10 minutes - at worst-case) and then will no longer render component content in Chrome.