north / generator-style-prototype

Yeoman Generator for Style Prototypes
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build-config task fails on windows #65

Open maxild opened 9 years ago

maxild commented 9 years ago


I am running the default task (> gulp), and the build-config task throws exceptions while trying to build the json files in the .www/config folder.


I am running on the latest bits, but can see that the repos (generator-SP, gulp-SP and SP) have no commits since this summer. So I am also curious if the style-prototype generator is actively maintained?

I am running on windows. Could that be a problem?

I have ruby 2.0.0p598 (2014-11-13) [x64-mingw32], node v0.10.33 and whatnot setup fine. I haven't tested this on mac os x. I could test this on my mac, but I need this to work on windows.

I did try to debug with node-inspector, but a lot of things in the build-config step wrt pages, menus etc, I couldn't wrap my head around. And there are no tests to see what all the helper functions are supposed to do.

Tell me what exactly you need to know about my environment (/pages folder, /.www folder), and I will gladly help to solve this issue.

maxild commented 9 years ago

It is a windows issue:-(

I setup my mac at home with dev env with rbenv, nvm and whatnot....and the thing worked.

So next question is could @snugug help with understanding this thing. Then I could dig in and add some tests to see that all the usual suspects works correctly on both nix and windows.

Or maybe NodeJS together with windows is just too painful....don't get me started...or nobody using this thing is interested in windows support? Could be. NodeJS is PAINFULL on windows, compared to on *nix.

The bug on windows is a path-bug...Like I said earlier, I used node-inspector on windows and pattern objects (returned by had some funny looking paths inside of them!

Would this be easy og hard to hunt down?

I find the hole thing

1) yo generator (angular etc) 2) gulpfile (gulp-style-prototype) 3) style-prototype (sass stuff)

quite hard to grasp, and not you typical 'style guide boilerplate' architecture...

And where are the tests? node-inspector (or console.log etc) is such a pain to use!!!!