northdpole / owaspwayfinder

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Use Github's mermaid diagramms instead of graphviz #6

Open northdpole opened 2 years ago

northdpole commented 2 years ago

kingthorin commented 1 year ago

Is mermaid rendered for GitHub pages?

northdpole commented 1 year ago


kingthorin commented 6 months ago

Got an example?

kingthorin commented 5 days ago

I was able to have an LLM come up with these options (they haven't been tested on GitHub pages):

OWASP Wayfinder Flowchart

flowchart TB
  OWASP_Wayfinder["OWASP Wayfinder"]

  subgraph ASVS["Application Security Verification Standard"]
    ASVS_V1["V1: Architecture, Design and Threat Modeling"]
    ASVS_V1 --> ASVS_ThreatDragon["OWASP Threat Dragon"]
    ASVS_V1 --> ASVS_Playbook["OWASP Threat Modeling Playbook"]

    ASVS_V2["V2: Authentication"]
    ASVS_V2 --> ASVS_CheatSheet["OWASP Authentication Cheat Sheet"]

    ASVS_V3["V3: Session Management"]
    ASVS_V3 --> ASVS_CheatSheet3["OWASP Cheat Sheet Series"]
    ASVS_V3 --> ASVS_CSRFGuard["OWASP CSRFGuard Project"]

    ASVS_V4["V4: Access Control"]
    ASVS_V4 --> ASVS_AppSensor["OWASP AppSensor Project"]
    ASVS_V4 --> ASVS_CheatSheet4["OWASP Cheat Sheet Series"]

  subgraph SCA["Software Component Analysis"]
    SCA_Dependency["Dependency Management"]
    SCA_Dependency --> SCA_DependencyCheck["OWASP Dependency-Check"]
    SCA_Dependency --> SCA_DependencyTrack["OWASP Dependency-Track"]

    SCA_Vulnerability["Vulnerability Management"]
    SCA_Vulnerability --> SCA_ManagementGuide["OWASP Vulnerability Management Guide"]
    SCA_Vulnerability --> SCA_RiskRating["OWASP Risk Rating Methodology"]

  subgraph Threat["Threat Intelligence"]
    Threat_Modeling["Threat Modeling"]
    Threat_Modeling --> Threat_ThreatDragon["OWASP Threat Dragon"]
    Threat_Modeling --> Threat_Playbook["OWASP Threat Modeling Playbook"]

    Threat_Intelligence["Threat Intelligence Gathering"]
    Threat_Intelligence --> Threat_Honeypot["OWASP Honeypot Project"]
    Threat_Intelligence --> Threat_Database["OWASP Vulnerability Database"]

  subgraph Testing["Security Testing"]
    Testing_Static["Static Analysis"]
    Testing_Static --> Testing_CodeReview["OWASP Code Review Guide"]
    Testing_Static --> Testing_SourceTools["OWASP Source Code Analysis Tools"]

    Testing_Dynamic["Dynamic Analysis"]
    Testing_Dynamic --> Testing_ZAP["OWASP ZAP"]
    Testing_Dynamic --> Testing_WSTG["OWASP Web Security Testing Guide"]

    Testing_IAST["Interactive Application Security Testing"]
    Testing_IAST --> Testing_IASTProject["OWASP IAST Project"]
    Testing_IAST --> Testing_SAMM["OWASP SAMM"]

  OWASP_Wayfinder --> ASVS
  OWASP_Wayfinder --> SCA
  OWASP_Wayfinder --> Threat
  OWASP_Wayfinder --> Testing

OWASP Wayfinder Diagram

  root((OWASP Wayfinder))
    ASVS(Application Security Verification Standard)
      V1(V1: Architecture, Design and Threat Modeling)
        ThreatDragon[OWASP Threat Dragon]
        Playbook[OWASP Threat Modeling Playbook]
      V2(V2: Authentication)
        CheatSheet[OWASP Authentication Cheat Sheet]
      V3(V3: Session Management)
        CheatSheet[OWASP Cheat Sheet Series]
        CSRFGuard[OWASP CSRFGuard Project]
      V4(V4: Access Control)
        AppSensor[OWASP AppSensor Project]
        CheatSheet[OWASP Cheat Sheet Series]
    SCA(Software Component Analysis)
      Dependency(Dependency Management)
        DependencyCheck[OWASP Dependency-Check]
        DependencyTrack[OWASP Dependency-Track]
      Vulnerability(Vulnerability Management)
        ManagementGuide[OWASP Vulnerability Management Guide]
        RiskRating[OWASP Risk Rating Methodology]
    Threat(Threat Intelligence)
      Modeling(Threat Modeling)
        ThreatDragon[OWASP Threat Dragon]
        Playbook[OWASP Threat Modeling Playbook]
      Intelligence(Threat Intelligence Gathering)
        Honeypot[OWASP Honeypot Project]
        Database[OWASP Vulnerability Database]
    Testing(Security Testing)
      Static(Static Analysis)
        CodeReview[OWASP Code Review Guide]
        SourceTools[OWASP Source Code Analysis Tools]
      Dynamic(Dynamic Analysis)
        ZAP[OWASP ZAP]
        WSTG[OWASP Web Security Testing Guide]
      IAST(Interactive Application Security Testing)
        IASTProject[OWASP IAST Project]

OWASP Wayfinder Diagram

  root((OWASP Wayfinder))
    ASVS(Application Security Verification Standard)
      V1(V1: Architecture, Design and Threat Modeling)
        ThreatDragon("OWASP Threat Dragon")
        Playbook("OWASP Threat Modeling Playbook")
      V2(V2: Authentication)
        ASVS("OWASP ASVS")
        CheatSheet("OWASP Authentication Cheat Sheet")
      V3(V3: Session Management)
        CheatSheet("OWASP Cheat Sheet Series")
        CSRFGuard("OWASP CSRFGuard Project")
      V4(V4: Access Control)
        AppSensor("OWASP AppSensor Project")
        CheatSheet("OWASP Cheat Sheet Series")
    SCA(Software Component Analysis)
      Dependency(Dependency Management)
        DependencyCheck("OWASP Dependency-Check")
        DependencyTrack("OWASP Dependency-Track")
      Vulnerability(Vulnerability Management)
        ManagementGuide("OWASP Vulnerability Management Guide")
        RiskRating("OWASP Risk Rating Methodology")
    Threat(Threat Intelligence)
      Modeling(Threat Modeling)
        ThreatDragon("OWASP Threat Dragon")
        Playbook("OWASP Threat Modeling Playbook")
      Intelligence(Threat Intelligence Gathering)
        Honeypot("OWASP Honeypot Project")
        Database("OWASP Vulnerability Database")
    Testing(Security Testing)
      Static(Static Analysis)
        CodeReview("OWASP Code Review Guide")
        SourceTools("OWASP Source Code Analysis Tools")
      Dynamic(Dynamic Analysis)
        ZAP("OWASP ZAP")
        WSTG("OWASP Web Security Testing Guide")
      IAST(Interactive Application Security Testing)
        IASTProject("OWASP IAST Project")
        SAMM("OWASP SAMM")

Not sure I really like any of them, but at least it gives an idea of the possibilities. Also FYI I discovered that GitHub Mermaid syntax doesn't support CSS styling although Mermaid itself does.

northdpole commented 1 day ago

Excellent idea! Let me see what is possible!

On Wed, 3 Jul 2024, 14:29 Rick M, @.***> wrote:

I was able to have an LLM come up with these options (they haven't been tested on GitHub pages): OWASP Wayfinder Flowchart

flowchart TB OWASP_Wayfinder["OWASP Wayfinder"]

subgraph ASVS["Application Security Verification Standard"] ASVS_V1["V1: Architecture, Design and Threat Modeling"] ASVS_V1 --> ASVS_ThreatDragon["OWASP Threat Dragon"] ASVS_V1 --> ASVS_Playbook["OWASP Threat Modeling Playbook"]

ASVS_V2["V2: Authentication"]
ASVS_V2 --> ASVS_CheatSheet["OWASP Authentication Cheat Sheet"]

ASVS_V3["V3: Session Management"]
ASVS_V3 --> ASVS_CheatSheet3["OWASP Cheat Sheet Series"]
ASVS_V3 --> ASVS_CSRFGuard["OWASP CSRFGuard Project"]

ASVS_V4["V4: Access Control"]
ASVS_V4 --> ASVS_AppSensor["OWASP AppSensor Project"]
ASVS_V4 --> ASVS_CheatSheet4["OWASP Cheat Sheet Series"]


subgraph SCA["Software Component Analysis"] SCA_Dependency["Dependency Management"] SCA_Dependency --> SCA_DependencyCheck["OWASP Dependency-Check"] SCA_Dependency --> SCA_DependencyTrack["OWASP Dependency-Track"]

SCA_Vulnerability["Vulnerability Management"]
SCA_Vulnerability --> SCA_ManagementGuide["OWASP Vulnerability Management Guide"]
SCA_Vulnerability --> SCA_RiskRating["OWASP Risk Rating Methodology"]


subgraph Threat["Threat Intelligence"] Threat_Modeling["Threat Modeling"] Threat_Modeling --> Threat_ThreatDragon["OWASP Threat Dragon"] Threat_Modeling --> Threat_Playbook["OWASP Threat Modeling Playbook"]

Threat_Intelligence["Threat Intelligence Gathering"]
Threat_Intelligence --> Threat_Honeypot["OWASP Honeypot Project"]
Threat_Intelligence --> Threat_Database["OWASP Vulnerability Database"]


subgraph Testing["Security Testing"] Testing_Static["Static Analysis"] Testing_Static --> Testing_CodeReview["OWASP Code Review Guide"] Testing_Static --> Testing_SourceTools["OWASP Source Code Analysis Tools"]

Testing_Dynamic["Dynamic Analysis"]
Testing_Dynamic --> Testing_ZAP["OWASP ZAP"]
Testing_Dynamic --> Testing_WSTG["OWASP Web Security Testing Guide"]

Testing_IAST["Interactive Application Security Testing"]
Testing_IAST --> Testing_IASTProject["OWASP IAST Project"]
Testing_IAST --> Testing_SAMM["OWASP SAMM"]


OWASP_Wayfinder --> ASVS OWASP_Wayfinder --> SCA OWASP_Wayfinder --> Threat OWASP_Wayfinder --> Testing

Loading OWASP Wayfinder Diagram

mindmap root((OWASP Wayfinder)) ASVS(Application Security Verification Standard) V1(V1: Architecture, Design and Threat Modeling) ThreatDragon[OWASP Threat Dragon] Playbook[OWASP Threat Modeling Playbook] V2(V2: Authentication) ASVS[OWASP ASVS] CheatSheet[OWASP Authentication Cheat Sheet] V3(V3: Session Management) CheatSheet[OWASP Cheat Sheet Series] CSRFGuard[OWASP CSRFGuard Project] V4(V4: Access Control) AppSensor[OWASP AppSensor Project] CheatSheet[OWASP Cheat Sheet Series] SCA(Software Component Analysis) Dependency(Dependency Management) DependencyCheck[OWASP Dependency-Check] DependencyTrack[OWASP Dependency-Track] Vulnerability(Vulnerability Management) ManagementGuide[OWASP Vulnerability Management Guide] RiskRating[OWASP Risk Rating Methodology] Threat(Threat Intelligence) Modeling(Threat Modeling) ThreatDragon[OWASP Threat Dragon] Playbook[OWASP Threat Modeling Playbook] Intelligence(Threat Intelligence Gathering) Honeypot[OWASP Honeypot Project] Database[OWASP Vulnerability Database] Testing(Security Testing) Static(Static Analysis) CodeReview[OWASP Code Review Guide] SourceTools[OWASP Source Code Analysis Tools] Dynamic(Dynamic Analysis) ZAP[OWASP ZAP] WSTG[OWASP Web Security Testing Guide] IAST(Interactive Application Security Testing) IASTProject[OWASP IAST Project] SAMM[OWASP SAMM]

Loading OWASP Wayfinder Diagram

mindmap root((OWASP Wayfinder)) ASVS(Application Security Verification Standard) V1(V1: Architecture, Design and Threat Modeling) ThreatDragon("OWASP Threat Dragon") Playbook("OWASP Threat Modeling Playbook") V2(V2: Authentication) ASVS("OWASP ASVS") CheatSheet("OWASP Authentication Cheat Sheet") V3(V3: Session Management) CheatSheet("OWASP Cheat Sheet Series") CSRFGuard("OWASP CSRFGuard Project") V4(V4: Access Control) AppSensor("OWASP AppSensor Project") CheatSheet("OWASP Cheat Sheet Series") SCA(Software Component Analysis) Dependency(Dependency Management) DependencyCheck("OWASP Dependency-Check") DependencyTrack("OWASP Dependency-Track") Vulnerability(Vulnerability Management) ManagementGuide("OWASP Vulnerability Management Guide") RiskRating("OWASP Risk Rating Methodology") Threat(Threat Intelligence) Modeling(Threat Modeling) ThreatDragon("OWASP Threat Dragon") Playbook("OWASP Threat Modeling Playbook") Intelligence(Threat Intelligence Gathering) Honeypot("OWASP Honeypot Project") Database("OWASP Vulnerability Database") Testing(Security Testing) Static(Static Analysis) CodeReview("OWASP Code Review Guide") SourceTools("OWASP Source Code Analysis Tools") Dynamic(Dynamic Analysis) ZAP("OWASP ZAP") WSTG("OWASP Web Security Testing Guide") IAST(Interactive Application Security Testing) IASTProject("OWASP IAST Project") SAMM("OWASP SAMM")


Not sure I really like any of them, but at least it gives an idea of the possibilities. Also FYI I discovered that GitHub Mermaid syntax doesn't support CSS styling although Mermaid itself does.

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