northern-tester / atelierwebsite

Express app for atelier website
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Pre and Post Atelier Site Toggle #20

Closed northern-tester closed 7 years ago

northern-tester commented 7 years ago


I think we need a site which can be toggled for pre and post Atelier mode, as we don't want the Atelier site to have the same old thing on it, when there is no Atelier imminent.

Acceptance Criteria

northern-tester commented 7 years ago

Created an initial filthy simple feature toggle so we can switch between pre and post atelier mode.

northern-tester commented 7 years ago

Merged to master, cheers @sejacksonlee :) Will deploy to live...

northern-tester commented 7 years ago

Deployed. Waiting for HSBC to pick up the phone. Been old hold for 30 mins...