Closed KSnyderCode closed 1 year ago
Found it - so here is the code. Next comment after this will be "making it better".
create table dev.potential_points as (
ST_LineInterpolatePoint(ST_GeometryN(c.geom,1), (ST_LineLocatePoint(st_GeometryN(c.geom,1), a.geom))) as geom
hc911.addresspoints as a
join hc911.henry_centerline as c on concat_ws(' ', a.street, a.esn) = concat_ws(' ', c.street, c.esn_l)
where a.stnum::int between c.l_f_add::int and c.l_t_add::int
and seg_side = 'L'
union all
ST_LineInterpolatePoint(ST_GeometryN(c.geom,1), (ST_LineLocatePoint(st_GeometryN(c.geom,1), a.geom))) as geom
hc911.addresspoints as a
join hc911.henry_centerline as c on concat_ws(' ', a.street, a.esn) = concat_ws(' ', c.street, c.esn_r)
where a.stnum::int between c.r_f_add::int and c.r_t_add::int
and seg_side = 'R');
create table dev.fishbones as (
st_makeline(a.geom, t.geom) as geom
hc911.addresspoints as a
join dev.potential_points as t on a.oirid = t.oirid);
When I had originally wrote this I was struggling a bit to make it work. What it should do now:
*Case Statement (I think) to decide if address is left or right.
*Get the street address and then use st_linelocatepoint to place the point. An address is "Distance" divided by 5.28 feet. So an address 528 feet up a road should have an stnum 100.
*draw the line from the house to the point along the road
I'm not 100% convinced I need to create a point - in this case I did. I think just drawing the line is good enough. Anyway - I'll see if I can work on this some tonight.
Can this be added in as part of the QA/QC Schema?