Every address needs a zipcode added. I've been leaving that up to the 911 BUT - in general they are using the ZCTA layer from the census. So my thought is to set up a trigger for addresses and to go ahead and set up a schema for census and set up a zipcode layer for all of TN. It shouldn't be large - maybe go ahead and convert it to SQL using shp2pgsql or the QGIS tools.
Every address needs a zipcode added. I've been leaving that up to the 911 BUT - in general they are using the ZCTA layer from the census. So my thought is to set up a trigger for addresses and to go ahead and set up a schema for census and set up a zipcode layer for all of TN. It shouldn't be large - maybe go ahead and convert it to SQL using shp2pgsql or the QGIS tools.