nortikin / sverchok

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Todo (zeffii) #118

Closed zeffii closed 8 years ago

zeffii commented 10 years ago

I'm drawing up this list to keep track of things I want to complete before other random stuff.

(low priority)

(on hold, partially implemented or implemented but not committed)

done, presently in beta


zeffii commented 10 years ago

nortikin commented 10 years ago

who is author of blog? I seee, it is you, thanks!!!!!! ))

zeffii commented 10 years ago

@nortikin, maybe you would like to contribute a few geomtrydaily Node-ifications? I see now that I have to make a vertex-color node.

nortikin commented 10 years ago

now i some busy, making interiors design and exterior + one album finished just now. I have todo, that i must do, and want prepare video teaser.

I'll make materials socket first (or implement just popup property in bakery and viewer nodes) to make materials... and vertex color too.

ly29 commented 10 years ago

Color+material socket. I would like generic socket for input

nortikin commented 10 years ago

strings - is generic i think. at least, i made it as universal.

zeffii commented 10 years ago

it might be time to think about other datatypes, structs even..

nortikin commented 10 years ago

datatype aside list? what should contain new type? name of data? maybe information of data structure to stop seeking of levelsoflists and stop checking for correction of data? or to leave it as is, only give new sockets for materials? we could out any data from material and vertex color to vertex group and armature binding. and splines and nurbs. that all will take so huge diversity of sockets, that we realy needs to rethink sockets type and consider smart solution on this. It have to be united somehow. would it be bpy_collectin_property or just dictionary? dictionary easy to manage, i think. never worked with collection propertyes and don't know how they manage lists-dicts. realy, maybe next socket should have alltogather ertices info about vertices? so we could create dictionary that will give corresponding values - dicts in dict or dicts in list or list in dicts how to manage materials to assign materials to vertices, to assign vertex colors to vertices?

{ 'materials': {'Glass': [1,2,3,6,7,8],... }, 'vertexcolors': {[254,254,0]:[...],...} } or something like that? it is for one object. before baking all data go to standart view in 3 levels, so it have to work [{{'':[]}}]

for vertices nothing have to be changed, as it is main socket type. And for matrices But for edges/pols there can be such: [{'curve':[1,2,0],'mesh':[0,1]}] etc

from curve and mesh values are the same as now - nasty list [[[]]] and more nested than {'curve':[],'curve_structure':{120:3}} where 120:3 is 120 length of curves count, and 3 - length of each curve. that way object contains all the data in dictionary...

zeffii commented 10 years ago

maybe information of data structure to stop seeking of levelsoflists and stop checking for correction of data?

exactly, this would allow us to provide the information that the reading node needs to process the input. All good questions.

I would like to experiment with specialized containers, instead of the general python lists/dicts -- but because I have no experience with this yet I don't have anything to show at the moment.

nortikin commented 10 years ago

we seeked in bpy.props - there is no solution for us. maybe we could create own bpy.props.Sverchok somehow... But it is hard, i guess and need C#

ly29 commented 10 years ago

A class structure for more complex data types like curves would be a good idea I think, which doesn't make sense to manipulate on an atomic level like mesh data does. For meshes bmesh is the right solution. This would be good because the data atoms would become molecules. Which supports some general things for them like make a line for draw drawing, converting to mesh etc. But as long as we stay in python using list, tuple and dict etc makes sense because they are very quick and flexible.


Long term the backend should move into c code inside of blender or something for speed. But right now I think an addon in python is a good idea.

ly29 commented 10 years ago

Debug print node

zeffii commented 10 years ago

nifty little node @ly29 ! will have a look at this later!

ly29 commented 10 years ago

Updated to use draw button ext for individual sockets

zeffii commented 10 years ago

zeffii commented 10 years ago

ideally mathutils would have something like

mathutils.triangulate_polygon(vertlist, edgelist):
    # magic in C
    return vertlist, edgelist
zeffii commented 10 years ago

oh... it does!

ly29 commented 10 years ago

It does kind of what you want. If we sorted the faces for rendering we could to that for all faces with length larger than 4. #157

                if len(pol)>4:
                    v=[data_vector[k][i] for i in pol]
                    for a,b,c in tess_poly:
ly29 commented 10 years ago

What is cool is that it takes many lists at the same time so it could be quite efficient I think.

ly29 commented 10 years ago

We dont have to sort, just filter make vert lists based on index and now we support concave polygons.

zeffii commented 10 years ago

perhaps for mkII I'll surpress the inner triangle edge drawing, or make it optional but that may slow things down.

ly29 commented 10 years ago

Added the debug node but not in the menu yet.

zeffii commented 10 years ago

updated todo, node_Script doesn't deal with nested lists.

zeffii commented 10 years ago

image a little experiment

enzyme69 commented 10 years ago

what a PRO! instant sexy = Grease in Sverchok :)

zeffii commented 10 years ago

I've opened it to all grease pencil layers in the .blend

I think for now I will just allow cache-ing, not update per frame (as each grease pencil layer can have as many frames as you'd want -- And I don't want to prevent any crazy user from doing that, but it won't be implemented yet).

with options

Where it makes sense to normalize first, then simplify (for 'optimal' verts to shape ratio )

zeffii commented 10 years ago


zeffii commented 10 years ago

i'm not sure it makes sense to add normalize and simplify as internal options, as separate nodes they could be used for a lot of other things. Time for a so we can at least use shared code for these things.

zeffii commented 10 years ago

this might benefit from a 'close strokes where first and last point are within a certain distance from eachother` --

zeffii commented 10 years ago

@enzyme69 GreasePencil node is probably not as useful as it first seemed -- at least I am now less convinced of its usefulness after prototyping it. The main reason is that it seems GP strokes usually need to be cleaned up manually before you import them. I've seen you do it in the video and i've found myself doing it while testing.

On the other hand, it does provide geometry quickly. Useful for testing Simplify, Smoothing and Normalize code. The exercise hasn't been entirely pointless for that reason.

enzyme69 commented 10 years ago

Let's just add it with Beta tag :)

zeffii commented 10 years ago

I updated the gist a few times, the caching doesn't really work. If a grease pencil stroke is removed from the blend, and you reload the blend the cache is invalidated.

enzyme69 commented 10 years ago

Grease seems needs always to have the backup Curve created.

zeffii commented 10 years ago

damzel found and narrowing down spline normalize bug, using greasepencil to fake data.

enzyme69 commented 10 years ago

prtscr capture_19

Zeff, I just found out this option for Grease Pencil to Smooth and Simplify each stroke automatically.

If there is SV Grease Pencil node, we can probably have this Smooth and Simplify ON at all time.

zeffii commented 10 years ago

Even if I added the greasepencil in node to trunk it would provide no functionality that object _ in doesn't already allow. I learned a few things by coding it so it's not a total waste of my time

enzyme69 commented 10 years ago

It might ... say if I erase the Grease, it will auto update.

At the moment, I always need to convert Grease to Curve then to Mesh.

zeffii commented 10 years ago

Then it makes more sense to implement Curve reading in Objects_in, or dedicated Curve In node

enzyme69 commented 10 years ago

I still think Grease has something special about it. Easy to erase.

However, Curve In node will be interesting. Mesh convert on the fly.

zeffii commented 10 years ago

I already have Curve to mesh code, written by Brecht

enzyme69 commented 10 years ago

What... You should have told me earlier. Been requesting such feature for years. I will try tomorrow morning... zzz

SN please or SV node please :)

nortikin commented 10 years ago

object in could handle it. i implemented group input there. and think of adaptive sockets out for different objects. And that is why we need continue conversation on data in sverchok. {curves_knots:[], curves_handlersL=[], curves_handlersR=[]} where curve defined by first list, than if there no automatic handle type, it defines it coordinates as tangent.

zeffii commented 10 years ago

i'm in favour or starting a to store these functions, to take a curve object inspect it and return edgs, vers, pols, mtrx -- great for Object_in node I agree.

nortikin commented 10 years ago

yes, we can make functions for lofting? without nurbs. there is looptools where loft realised, and i guess, we could make couple of functions -

  1. to devide curves on equal parts - node to manipulate curves or even to make curves from vertices. i.e. we have some line, that is only knots for curve. but this takes vertices, interpolate them as they are knots of curve and output finally series of vertices defined by user count of subdivision. We can start from handles type 'automatic' to avoid defining handles and to left it for next release with inner sverchok data modifications
  2. to connect (line connections, but with subdivisions and smoothing) with polygons or without them (in my todo list this modification)
zeffii commented 10 years ago

I think so. Started a different thread for this

zeffii commented 10 years ago

this is one reason I wanted to get node.js in scripted node

enzyme69 commented 10 years ago

I really like that kind of step by step interactive visualization of programming! It's like running the program in slow motion that our brain can understand.

zeffii commented 10 years ago

I have a massive backlog of scripts written to test stuff (this list will grow as I remember where to find them)

zeffii commented 10 years ago


    # works on shaded
    vectorlight = bpy.context.user_preferences.system.solid_lights[0].direction
nortikin commented 10 years ago

that is right