nortikin / sverchok

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Render Gallery #1342

Closed zeffii closed 6 years ago

zeffii commented 7 years ago

Project Sverchok needs a 'visual outreach' program.

One thing we've failed at consistently is make attractive renders to show the power of this beast. Some of you may be unfamiliar with it but there was a small attempt ( ) at a landing page, I would love to add a set of images that give a better impression of what's possible now.

I don't mind doing the site coding etc.. but really my time is better spent doing other things. I really just want images to stick in there. Preferably Architectural or Graphics, the criteria being just Sverchok/Blender (things that can be done without other add-ons, or with the default supplied add-ons - via imports in Scripted Nodes etc..)


A bonus would be if you can submit a gist of the layout too, or a .blend

This thread should be about what you have done not about what you would like to do. i'll be sanitising comments to reflect that.

nortikin commented 6 years ago

7 my new approach give me more great result.


agiac commented 6 years ago


@nortikin I will send you an email with the pictures and prepare a small article for the blog and post it

agiac commented 6 years ago

Here's the article! Hope it's OK, if not I will fix it:) And here the images @nortikin

enzyme69 commented 6 years ago

Some kind of Node Flow FX: nodeflow_002

enzyme69 commented 6 years ago

I am going to colorize the shapes. Really I can make a unlimited mandala coloring book based on this.

for images click details:

![prtscr capture_57]( ![prtscr capture_56](
zeffii commented 6 years ago

Mandalas lost my interest the moment it became easy to make them.

enzyme69 commented 6 years ago

That's true, ideally we would build some kind of Temple like Candi Borobudur. Imagine some crazy detailed structure all made using Sverchok, then upload to Sketchfab for AR and VR. I like that.

agiac commented 6 years ago

Having a good time with Variable Lacunarity and Easing 0..1 render_2 render_3 insta_252scaled

zeffii commented 6 years ago

would be interesting to make soundproofing with like 20 different tiles, to diffuse all over the place.

agiac commented 6 years ago

Well having a wall full of those is on the list:P

nortikin commented 6 years ago

it should looks great and expensive.

nortikin commented 6 years ago

028 later on will publish layout here

nortikin commented 6 years ago Mark Dooney from London Thanks to him ello-optimized-e8dd884f

agiac commented 6 years ago

dsc08678_4 I've decided to open a little Etsy shop for these tiles, in case you are interested following this link there is a 20% discount :)

portnov commented 6 years ago


zeffii commented 6 years ago

use more light portnov!!

enzyme69 commented 6 years ago

Light wise seems ok, maybe it's Filmic thing just adjust contrast, etc.

zeffii commented 6 years ago

well maybe it is a contrast/brightness issue, but light it up man :)


nortikin commented 6 years ago

instagram @sverchok.3d collection will rise

portnov commented 6 years ago


portnov commented 6 years ago


portnov commented 6 years ago


Durman commented 6 years ago


portnov commented 6 years ago


portnov commented 6 years ago


enzyme69 commented 6 years ago

This thread will end up becoming very huge :)

By the way, if you are using Instagram, simply upload some nice render of Sverchok into Instagram with hashtag #sverchok, I have done some and recently Instagram has "Follow Hashtag" feature. Very handy.

@nortikin has SV special account as well.

portnov commented 6 years ago


desmarkie commented 6 years ago


You can grab the blend file for my animated gif ( ) here:


Let me know if you want any others, I'm not sure how tidy they are and I've just managed to ruin my install on 2.79 ahaha. Back to 2.78 for the mo.

portnov commented 6 years ago

portnov commented 6 years ago

Render is WIP


Not a texture - but a proper mesh :) ~300k vertices, ~40sec update of sverchok tree, ~10min render.

Merry Christmas to those who celebrates it today, btw!

Durman commented 6 years ago

something like a bench:


desmarkie commented 6 years ago

Latest doodle, promised I'd post the files :)

The .blend has a handy group I use to loop a sin value over the total number of frames. e.g. 2x PI over 180 frames. Might be of use to anyone animating with Sverchok.

grab the file from

screen shot 2018-01-15 at 22 09 36

Video sv-045-f

portnov commented 6 years ago


enzyme69 commented 6 years ago

Just modifiers combo (edge split - smooth) randomized using Sverchok: image

Edge Split node in SV would be handy, we don't have it, maybe one day.

zeffii commented 6 years ago

Edge Split node in SV would be handy, we don't have it, maybe one day. . please use the search before saying ", we don't have it, "

Durman commented 6 years ago


enzyme69 commented 6 years ago

Just wondering what would be better than long GitHub thread to store all these SV Gallery. Flickr is kind of okey right? 1 TB free.

nortikin commented 6 years ago

offset 2d curve agree with @enzyme69

desmarkie commented 6 years ago

@nortikin @enzyme69 Is it worth having another repo just as a gallery? Would allow you to host it on and people could submit images as a pr.

nortikin commented 6 years ago

sverchok_transformation template1

nortikin commented 6 years ago

@desmarkie if you wish you can edit this site: here: add your images, extend gallery. Old images with links in currect gallery can be removed. Make this page great again :copyright: I added you to collaborators for this purposes also. If you wish

desmarkie commented 6 years ago

Cheers @nortikin, I'll make it a side project

nortikin commented 6 years ago


nortikin commented 6 years ago

decorative_element generative decorative element on hilbert filtered vertices

nortikin commented 6 years ago


agiac commented 5 years ago

Hello, I wrote a short ebook about Sverchok. Once I will finish to review it I will put it for free on my blog. I would like to have some comments/impressions first though. Here it is Learning Sverchok.pdf

Durman commented 5 years ago

@AG89z I would recommend make a reference to the year or version of Sverchok. This information can be very useful in future. )

nortikin commented 5 years ago

@AG89z later on will review. Reading... I will edit this post to make it short

  1. "when you reading it there should be 2.8 sverchok"
  2. orient to 2.8 version --> More General telling shape
  3. parallel screens of 2.79+2.80
  4. for 2.79 there is addon to make autoorganize interface for sverchok: - you can reset screen for sverchok defaults. I will make new one for 2.80 later on
  5. 2.1.3 Vertex list Vertices, for example, are usually represented using tuples

not only tuples, but lists also. you can choose. mostly lists i guess. List operations gives more flexibility.

  1. in "2.2.5. Baking" - mention bmesh viewer, please. it can do things directly. With caution that some errors may crash blender for example index of vertex in edge as minus N.
  2. in 2.3.3. mentioned different node trees. i have much installed - Sv, AN, sound petal, audionodes, UMOG/Vi insolation/EnVi calculation tools
  3. in 2.3.5. upgrade sverchok (by checking for updates). but it will work again in 2.8 only when it becomes master, maybe write: 'for migration to 2.8 blender is better to install from scratch, also 2.79 sverchok support ending in 2019 for 2.8 to go'
  4. in 3.2.2. maybe to write: 'Vector in into ​ Top'
  5. I like page 62 much
  6. There should be part somewhere about debug - heatmap to find slow node and try to reduce influation 11.There are powernodes, that should be as separate chapter (formula, exec ans SNL you done) UVconnect, waffle, etc. I will try to add some text with images here as i see it matrix section plese, mention that vector can be read as matrix location and vice versa if connect sockets.
  7. Examples - i will write chapter about examples. This is needed. Illustrate most useful of them.
agiac commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the feedback @nortikin . When Blender 2.8 will be out of Beta I will make an updated edition, for now I would like to keep the ebook as it is, I think that most of what is written will be valid in both versions. Sure, I will mention Bmesh viewer and I will also try to fit the autoorganize plugin.

nortikin commented 5 years ago

ok, i have red the learning.sverchok.pdf

added comments in my previous post. maybe continue conversation in email