nortikin / sverchok

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Updating Node DocStrings #1663

Closed zeffii closed 7 years ago

zeffii commented 7 years ago

i'm going to start adding shortcut letter combos to the DoctString of all Nodes... this process will take a while and will involve editing most nodes. I will use this pass to reformat some akward pythonstyle if I find it. There will be no impact to the user, except that the extra-search feature will return your preferred nodes sooner if you type the new combos.

here's a sample of what I want

ViewerDraw   |    vd View Geometry   |  shortcut is : vd


silly bit of code to get the list and cats

import bpy

ddir = lambda data, filter_str: [i for i in dir(data) if i.startswith(filter_str)]
get_nodes = lambda cat: [i for i in getattr(bpy.types, cat).category.items(None)]

cycles_categories = ddir(bpy.types, "NODE_MT_category_SVERCHOK")
for cat in cycles_categories: 
    for node in get_nodes(cat):
        print('- [ ] bl_idname: "{node.nodetype}", type: "{node.label}"'.format(node=node)) 
zeffii commented 7 years ago
NODE_MT_category_SVERCHOK_Analyzers - [ ] bl_idname: "SvBBoxNode", type: "Bounding box" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvVolumeNode", type: "Volume" - [ ] bl_idname: "AreaNode", type: "Area" - [ ] bl_idname: "DistancePPNode", type: "Distance" - [ ] bl_idname: "CentersPolsNodeMK2", type: "Centers polygons 2" - [ ] bl_idname: "CentersPolsNodeMK3", type: "Centers polygons 3" - [ ] bl_idname: "GetNormalsNode", type: "Calculate normals" - [ ] bl_idname: "VectorNormalNode", type: "Vertex Normal" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvKDTreeNodeMK2", type: "KDT Closest Verts MK2" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvKDTreeEdgesNodeMK2", type: "KDT Closest Edges MK2" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvMeshFilterNode", type: "Mesh filter" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvEdgeAnglesNode", type: "Angles at the edges" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvMeshSelectNode", type: "Select mesh elements by location" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvSelectSimilarNode", type: "Select similar" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvProportionalEditNode", type: "Proportional Edit Falloff" NODE_MT_category_SVERCHOK_BPY_Data - [ ] bl_idname: "SvGetPropNode", type: "Get property" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvSetPropNode", type: "Set property" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvObjRemoteNodeMK2", type: "Object Remote (Control) mk2" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvNodeRemoteNode", type: "Node Remote (Control)" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvGetAssetProperties", type: "Object ID Selector" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvSetDataObjectNodeMK2", type: "Object ID Set MK2" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvSortObjsNode", type: "Object ID Sort" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvFilterObjsNode", type: "Object ID Filter" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvObjectToMeshNodeMK2", type: "Object ID Out MK2" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvPointOnMeshNodeMK2", type: "Object ID Point on Mesh MK2" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvOBJRayCastNodeMK2", type: "Object ID Raycast MK2" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvSCNRayCastNodeMK2", type: "Scene Raycast MK2" NODE_MT_category_SVERCHOK_Beta_Nodes - [ ] bl_idname: "SvFormulaShapeNode", type: "Formula shape" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvHeavyTriangulateNode", type: "Triangulate mesh (heavy)" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvColorsInNode", type: "Color in" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvColorsOutNode", type: "Color Out" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvMatrixNormalNode", type: "Matrix normal" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvSculptMaskNode", type: "Vertex Sculpt Masking" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvGreasePencilStrokes", type: "Grease Pencil" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvTextureViewerNodeLite", type: "Texture viewer lite" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvCurveViewerNode", type: "Curve Viewer" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvCurveViewerNodeAlt", type: "Curve Viewer 2D" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvPolylineViewerNodeMK1", type: "Polyline Viewer MK1" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvTypeViewerNode", type: "Typography Viewer" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvSkinViewerNodeMK1b", type: "Skin Mesher mk1b" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvMatrixViewer", type: "Matrix View" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvBMVertsNode", type: "BMesh props" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvBMinputNode", type: "BMesh in" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvBMoutputNode", type: "BMesh out" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvBMtoElementNode", type: "BMesh Elements" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvBMOpsNodeMK2", type: "BMesh Ops 2" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvInsetSpecial", type: "Inset Special" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvCSGBooleanNodeMK2", type: "CSG Boolean 2" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvNumpyArrayNode", type: "Numpy Array" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvParticlesNode", type: "Particles" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvParticlesMK2Node", type: "ParticlesMK2" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvJoinTrianglesNode", type: "Join Triangles" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvListSliceLiteNode", type: "List Slice Lite " - [ ] bl_idname: "SvCacheNode", type: "Cache" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvUVtextureNode", type: "UVtextures" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvSeparateMeshNodeMK2", type: "Separate Loose Parts MK2" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvBvhOverlapNodeNew", type: "overlap_polygons" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvIndexToMaskNode", type: "Index To Mask" NODE_MT_category_SVERCHOK_GROUPS NODE_MT_category_SVERCHOK_Generators - [ ] bl_idname: "SvLineNodeMK2", type: "Line MK2" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvPlaneNodeMK2", type: "Plane MK2" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvNGonNode", type: "NGon" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvBoxNode", type: "Box" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvCircleNode", type: "Circle" - [ ] bl_idname: "CylinderNode", type: "Cylinder" - [ ] bl_idname: "SphereNode", type: "Sphere" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvIcosphereNode", type: "IcoSphere" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvTorusNode", type: "Torus" - [ ] bl_idname: "BasicSplineNode", type: "2pt Spline" - [ ] bl_idname: "svBasicArcNode", type: "3pt Arc" - [ ] bl_idname: "RandomVectorNodeMK2", type: "Random Vector MK2" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvScriptNodeLite", type: "Scripted Node Lite" - [ ] bl_idname: "ImageNode", type: "Image" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvBoxRoundedNode", type: "Rounded Box" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvBricksNode", type: "Bricks grid" - [ ] bl_idname: "HilbertNode", type: "Hilbert" - [ ] bl_idname: "Hilbert3dNode", type: "Hilbert3d" - [ ] bl_idname: "HilbertImageNode", type: "Hilbert image" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvProfileNode", type: "Profile Parametric" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvMeshEvalNode", type: "Mesh Expression" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvGenerativeArtNode", type: "Generative Art" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvImageComponentsNode", type: "Image Decompose" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvScriptNode", type: "Scripted Node" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvTorusKnotNode", type: "Torus Knot" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvHexaGridNode", type: "Hexa Grid" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvRingNode", type: "Ring" NODE_MT_category_SVERCHOK_Layout - [ ] bl_idname: "WifiInNode", type: "Wifi in" - [ ] bl_idname: "WifiOutNode", type: "Wifi out" - [ ] bl_idname: "NodeReroute", type: "Reroute" - [ ] bl_idname: "ConverterNode", type: "Socket Converter" NODE_MT_category_SVERCHOK_List_Main - [ ] bl_idname: "ListJoinNode", type: "List Join" - [ ] bl_idname: "ZipNode", type: "List Zip" - [ ] bl_idname: "ListLevelsNode", type: "List Del Levels" - [ ] bl_idname: "ListLengthNode", type: "List Length" - [ ] bl_idname: "ListSumNodeMK2", type: "List Sum" - [ ] bl_idname: "ListMatchNode", type: "List Match" - [ ] bl_idname: "ListFuncNode", type: "List Math" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvListDecomposeNode", type: "List Decompose" - [ ] bl_idname: "MaskListNode", type: "List Mask (out)" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvMaskJoinNode", type: "List Mask Join (in)" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvMaskConvertNode", type: "Mask Converter" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvListModifierNode", type: "List Modifier" NODE_MT_category_SVERCHOK_List_Struct - [ ] bl_idname: "ShiftNodeMK2", type: "List Shift" - [ ] bl_idname: "ListRepeaterNode", type: "List Repeater" - [ ] bl_idname: "ListSliceNode", type: "List Slice" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvListSplitNode", type: "List Split" - [ ] bl_idname: "ListFLNode", type: "List First & Last" - [ ] bl_idname: "ListItem2Node", type: "List Item" - [ ] bl_idname: "ListReverseNode", type: "List Reverse" - [ ] bl_idname: "ListShuffleNode", type: "List Shuffle" - [ ] bl_idname: "ListSortNodeMK2", type: "List Sort" - [ ] bl_idname: "ListFlipNode", type: "List Flip" NODE_MT_category_SVERCHOK_Logic - [ ] bl_idname: "SvLogicNode", type: "Logic functions" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvSwitchNode", type: "Switch" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvNeuroElman1LNode", type: "*Neuro Elman 1 Layer" NODE_MT_category_SVERCHOK_Matrix - [ ] bl_idname: "SvMatrixGenNodeMK2", type: "Matrix in" - [ ] bl_idname: "MatrixOutNode", type: "Matrix out" - [ ] bl_idname: "MatrixDeformNode", type: "Matrix Deform" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvMatrixValueIn", type: "Matrix Input" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvMatrixEulerNode", type: "Matrix Euler" - [ ] bl_idname: "MatrixShearNode", type: "Matrix Shear" - [ ] bl_idname: "MatrixInterpolationNode", type: "Matrix Interpolation" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvMatrixApplyJoinNode", type: "Matrix Apply" NODE_MT_category_SVERCHOK_Modifier_Change - [ ] bl_idname: "SvDeleteLooseNode", type: "Delete Loose" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvRemoveDoublesNode", type: "Remove Doubles" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvSeparateMeshNode", type: "Separate Loose Parts" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvLimitedDissolve", type: "Limited Dissolve" - [ ] bl_idname: "PolygonBoomNode", type: "Polygon Boom" - [ ] bl_idname: "Pols2EdgsNode", type: "Polygons to Edges" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvMeshJoinNode", type: "Mesh Join" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvBevelNode", type: "Bevel" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvSubdivideNode", type: "Subdivide" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvSmoothNode", type: "Smooth Vertices" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvIntersectEdgesNodeMK2", type: "Intersect Edges MK2" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvOffsetNode", type: "Offset" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvFillsHoleNode", type: "Fill Holes" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvTriangulateNode", type: "Triangulate mesh" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvFlipNormalsNode", type: "Flip normals" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvRecalcNormalsNode", type: "Recalc normals" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvRandomizeVerticesNode", type: "Randomize input vertices" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvIterateNode", type: "Iterate matrix transformation" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvExtrudeEdgesNode", type: "Extrude Edges" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvExtrudeSeparateNode", type: "Extrude Separate Faces" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvExtrudeRegionNode", type: "Extrude Region" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvVertMaskNode", type: "Mask Vertices" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvTransformSelectNode", type: "Transform Select" NODE_MT_category_SVERCHOK_Modifier_Make - [ ] bl_idname: "LineConnectNodeMK2", type: "UV Connection" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvLatheNode", type: "Lathe" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvConvexHullNode", type: "Convex Hull" - [ ] bl_idname: "DelaunayTriangulation2DNode", type: "Delaunay 2D" - [ ] bl_idname: "Voronoi2DNode", type: "Voronoi 2D" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvWafelNode", type: "Wafel" - [ ] bl_idname: "CrossSectionNode", type: "Cross Section" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvBisectNode", type: "Bisect" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvAdaptiveEdgeNode", type: "Adaptive Edges" - [ ] bl_idname: "AdaptivePolsNode", type: "Adaptive Polygons" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvDuplicateAlongEdgeNode", type: "Duplicate objects along edge" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvSolidifyNode", type: "Solidify" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvWireframeNode", type: "Wireframe" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvPipeNode", type: "Pipe" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvMatrixTubeNode", type: "Matrix Tube" NODE_MT_category_SVERCHOK_Network - [ ] bl_idname: "UdpClientNode", type: "UDP Client" NODE_MT_category_SVERCHOK_Number - [ ] bl_idname: "SvNumberNode", type: "A Number" - [ ] bl_idname: "FloatNode", type: "Float" - [ ] bl_idname: "IntegerNode", type: "Int" - [ ] bl_idname: "Float2IntNode", type: "Float to Int" - [ ] bl_idname: "ScalarMathNode", type: "Math" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvScalarMathNodeMK2", type: "Math MK2" - [ ] bl_idname: "Formula2Node", type: "Formula" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvExecNodeMod", type: "Exec Node Mod" - [ ] bl_idname: "GenListRangeIntNode", type: "Range Int" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvGenFloatRange", type: "Range Float" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvMapRangeNode", type: "Map Range" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvListInputNode", type: "List Input" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvGenFibonacci", type: "Fibonacci sequence" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvGenExponential", type: "Exponential sequence" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvRndNumGen", type: "Random Num Gen" - [ ] bl_idname: "RandomNode", type: "Random" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvEasingNode", type: "Easing 0..1" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvMixNumbersNode", type: "Mix Numbers" NODE_MT_category_SVERCHOK_Objects - [ ] bl_idname: "SvVertexGroupNodeMK2", type: "Vertex group weights" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvVertexColorNodeMK2", type: "Vertex color new" NODE_MT_category_SVERCHOK_Scene - [ ] bl_idname: "SvObjectsNodeMK3", type: "Objects in mk3" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvObjInLite", type: "Objects in Lite" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvObjEdit", type: "Obj Edit mode" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvFrameInfoNodeMK2", type: "Frame info" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvEmptyOutNode", type: "Empty out" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvInstancerNode", type: "Mesh instancer" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvDupliInstancesMK4", type: "Dupli instancer mk4" NODE_MT_category_SVERCHOK_Text - [ ] bl_idname: "ViewerNodeTextMK2", type: "Viewer text mk2" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvTextInNode", type: "Text in" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvTextOutNode", type: "Text out" - [ ] bl_idname: "NoteNode", type: "Note" - [ ] bl_idname: "GTextNode", type: "GText" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvDebugPrintNode", type: "Debug print" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvStethoscopeNodeMK2", type: "Stethoscope MK2" NODE_MT_category_SVERCHOK_Transforms - [ ] bl_idname: "SvRotationNode", type: "Rotation" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvScaleNode", type: "Scale" - [ ] bl_idname: "VectorMoveNode", type: "Move" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvMirrorNode", type: "Mirror" - [ ] bl_idname: "MatrixApplyNode", type: "Matrix Apply (verts)" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvSimpleDeformNode", type: "Simple deformation" NODE_MT_category_SVERCHOK_Vector - [ ] bl_idname: "GenVectorsNode", type: "Vector in" - [ ] bl_idname: "VectorsOutNode", type: "Vector out" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvAxisInputNodeMK2", type: "Vector X/Y/Z" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvVectorMathNodeMK2", type: "Vector Math" - [ ] bl_idname: "VertsDelDoublesNode", type: "Vector X Doubles" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvVectorRewire", type: "Vector Rewire" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvVertSortNode", type: "Vector Sort" - [ ] bl_idname: "VectorDropNode", type: "Vector Drop" - [ ] bl_idname: "VectorPolarInNode", type: "Vector polar input" - [ ] bl_idname: "VectorPolarOutNode", type: "Vector polar output" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvAttractorNode", type: "Vector Attraction" - [ ] bl_idname: "EvaluateLineNode", type: "Vector Evaluate" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvVectorLerp", type: "Vector Lerp" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvInterpolationStripesNode", type: "Vector Stripes" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvInterpolationNode", type: "Vector Interpolation" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvInterpolationNodeMK2", type: "Vector Interpolation mk2" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvInterpolationNodeMK3", type: "Vector Interpolation mk3" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvNoiseNodeMK2", type: "Vector Noise MK2" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvVectorFractal", type: "Vector Fractal" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvLacunarityNode", type: "Variable Lacunarity" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvTurbulenceNode", type: "Vector Turbulence" NODE_MT_category_SVERCHOK_Viz - [ ] bl_idname: "ViewerNode2", type: "Viewer Draw" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvBmeshViewerNodeMK2", type: "Viewer BMesh" - [ ] bl_idname: "IndexViewerNode", type: "Viewer Index" - [ ] bl_idname: "SvTextureViewerNode", type: "Texture viewer" - [ ] bl_idname: "Sv3DviewPropsNode", type: "3dview Props"
zeffii commented 7 years ago

it looks like I wont have time to do this. so will push what i've done now.