Closed enzyme69 closed 4 years ago
does the mac os version of blender have a debug executable, like windows has blender_debug_log.cmd
... in the same folder and blender.exe , if you start Blender that way and load the .blend eventually it will dump an error log to a temporary file. You should start including that temporary log file in these bug reports.
007 loads fine here
Thanks for checking Zeff, here is the crash log
# Blender 2.82 (sub 7), Commit date: 2020-03-12 05:06, Hash 375c7dc4caf4
# backtrace
0 Blender 0x000000010a732797 BLI_system_backtrace + 55
1 Blender 0x000000010466cd2a sig_handle_crash + 362
2 libsystem_platform.dylib 0x00007fff6eff45fd _sigtramp + 29
3 Blender 0x0000000109188078 _Py_CheckFunctionResult + 24
4 Blender 0x0000000104ae007c Depsgraph_objects_begin + 140
5 Blender 0x0000000104a99cfd RNA_property_collection_lookup_string + 189
6 Blender 0x0000000104c2d3a9 pyrna_prop_collection_subscript + 169
7 Blender 0x00000001092567b0 _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault + 6976
8 Blender 0x0000000109260065 _PyEval_EvalCodeWithName + 2981
9 Blender 0x0000000109188a06 _PyFunction_FastCallKeywords + 230
10 Blender 0x000000010925f309 call_function + 809
11 Blender 0x000000010925be53 _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault + 29155
12 Blender 0x0000000109260065 _PyEval_EvalCodeWithName + 2981
13 Blender 0x0000000109188502 _PyFunction_FastCallDict + 450
14 Blender 0x000000010925c16f _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault + 29951
15 Blender 0x0000000109260065 _PyEval_EvalCodeWithName + 2981
16 Blender 0x0000000109188a06 _PyFunction_FastCallKeywords + 230
17 Blender 0x000000010925f309 call_function + 809
18 Blender 0x000000010925befe _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault + 29326
19 Blender 0x0000000109188f3d function_code_fastcall + 253
20 Blender 0x000000010925f309 call_function + 809
21 Blender 0x000000010925befe _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault + 29326
22 Blender 0x0000000109260065 _PyEval_EvalCodeWithName + 2981
23 Blender 0x0000000109188a06 _PyFunction_FastCallKeywords + 230
24 Blender 0x000000010925f309 call_function + 809
25 Blender 0x000000010925befe _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault + 29326
26 Blender 0x0000000109188f3d function_code_fastcall + 253
27 Blender 0x000000010925f309 call_function + 809
28 Blender 0x000000010925be53 _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault + 29155
29 Blender 0x0000000109188f3d function_code_fastcall + 253
30 Blender 0x000000010925f309 call_function + 809
31 Blender 0x000000010925be53 _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault + 29155
32 Blender 0x0000000109260065 _PyEval_EvalCodeWithName + 2981
33 Blender 0x0000000109188502 _PyFunction_FastCallDict + 450
34 Blender 0x0000000104c18c4a bpy_app_generic_callback + 522
35 Blender 0x00000001046bca5e BKE_callback_exec_null + 46
36 Blender 0x0000000104896547 wm_file_read_post + 311
37 Blender 0x0000000104895cd8 WM_file_read + 632
38 Blender 0x000000010489aaa1 wm_open_mainfile__open + 417
39 Blender 0x00000001048905d7 wm_handler_fileselect_do + 695
40 Blender 0x000000010489467b wm_handlers_do_intern + 859
41 Blender 0x000000010488fc3f wm_handlers_do + 31
42 Blender 0x000000010488f052 wm_event_do_handlers + 882
43 Blender 0x0000000104888d20 WM_main + 32
44 Blender 0x00000001046694d8 main + 952
45 libdyld.dylib 0x00007fff6edfbcc9 start + 1
46 ??? 0x0000000000000001 0x0 + 1
unfortunately it doesn't look like the debug log is revealing anything obvious..
i'm going out on a limb here, but i think if there was a fundamental bug here it would be manifesting in other ways too. closing for now, but if you can reproduce with fewer nodes so as to narrow down a combo or single node.. then that will be much appreciated.
also... not as usdz
Problem statement
Blender crashes during reopening of blend. Suspected node: Objects in sourcing a mesh that supposed to output slicers ... but hard to explain.
1. This will crash:
2. Use Append to bring the node tree into empty Blend, and you can perhaps see the issue. I thought at first that I might have cyclic happening: Objects in -> make cutters from Bounding Box -> output cutters --> boolean into original object
But I think Objects In is causing crashing.
My first attempt to fix this crashing still failed: