Closed enzyme69 closed 10 years ago
This is the Sverchok "noddle" pattern so far.
I remember using Liero BTrace that does tracing in an interesting way. Let me see if I can still do this.
Yes, it still work using Object Trace in BTrace Add-On.
It is connecting and tracing points by index, but I wonder why the result is different in Sverchok. Wonder what BTrace is doing in the background.
Sverchok vs BTrace tracing.
What algorithm, do you think BTrace is using?
You see... it's a nice algorithm!
Wonder how BTrace does this?
Gerardo (Liero) said
"make a list of vertices, then pick a random one to start with and find the nearest one, remove previous from list and so on, alway picking the one that's closer to the active vertex... that's one of my first scripts :p but btrace addon was put together by crazycourier"
So in the way, it is iteration that looks for nearest points.
Liero said, probably KDTree like. I thought about that too, but wonder why it does not give the result I expected. Maybe Sorted KDTree that only look for index next to it.
Hmmm.. brain....
I think for this you have use script node for now since it is an iterative process.
I am writing a kd tree script for this, some issues but having fun.
Once again recursive can be done with Scripted Node.
The BTrace often gives a strange jump between points, which creates a sudden unwanted line connection.
This one gives a nice effect whether Brain like or Noodle like.
but wonder why it does not give the result I expected.
because what you expect kdtree nodes to do is not what they are aimed at. You can (as @ly29 points out) use kdtree module from mathutils in a SN script, to get good performance nearest neighbour finding. There are already 2 examples in the template folder.
edit: I see @ly29 having fun
Okay now it working well, not optimized and so on. Just following the very simple description given above. Suzanne takes 0.01s I will probably get worse and worse the bigger the mesh. Plane is worst case for this kind of exercise, that can be done more clever with index manipulation but is a whole another game. Inputs:
import mathutils
import random
import collections
from itertools import islice
from mathutils import Vector
def sv_main(objs=[], seed=1, start=-1):
# in boilerplate, could be less verbose
in_sockets = [
['v', 'verts', objs],
['s', 'seed', seed],
['s', 'start', start]
edge_out = []
for verts in objs:
if not verts:
size = len(verts)
kd = mathutils.kdtree.KDTree(size)
for i, v in enumerate(verts):
kd.insert(v, i)
if 0 < start and start < size:
index = start
index = random.randrange(size)
vecs = None
out = collections.OrderedDict({index:0})
while len(out) < size:
if (len(out) / size) < .90:
found_next = False
n = 0
step = 5
while not found_next:
count = min(size, n+step)
for pt, n_i, dist in islice(kd.find_n(verts[index], count), n, count):
if not n_i in out:
out[n_i] = index
index = n_i
found_next = True
if n > size:
n += step
else: #now we reduced the number of verts and the above gets very slow
if not vecs:
total_set = set(range(size))
indx = total_set - set(out.keys())
vecs = {i:Vector(verts[i]) for i in indx}
c_v = Vector(verts[index])
dists = [((vecs[i]-c_v).length, i) for i in indx]
pt, n_i = min(dists, key=lambda x:x[0])
out[n_i] = index
index = n_i
edge_out.append([(j,k) for j,k in out.items()])
out_sockets = [
['s', 'Edges', edge_out]
return in_sockets, out_sockets
It should skip ahead in the inner for loop instead of checking using again, best I guess using islice, updated now.
@zeffii I see... that means there are a lot of KDtree that I don't know how it does yet. Interesting. Will need to investigate KDTree in SN then.
Zef, the data out from Vertices and Edges SN does not work with Fill Face node, wonder why:
And @ly29 just made another something!
And I just saw this is now possible. Which is kind of cool/
@enzyme69 That script has two issues with it's output that fillhole should correct for, it creates duplicate edges and produces unwrapped output.
Ok, noticed that now.
Alright, this is really nice! Studying the SN now.
@ly29 the Seed is doing nothing at the moment. The "Start" does something.
There was bug with seed, copy the script again. Start overrides seed if both are connected and start is a valid index.
it's time I do a Curves version of (b)Mesh viewer
It is also only used for the first point, otherwise the algorithm is quite stable since it is just based on distance, especially locally.
Fix for fill holes is done. n=3 for fill, for fun.
Script in master now.
( ^ __ ^ ) v
This can be really cool effect. Especially when layered with animation.
I used to do this with many steps.
Thanks for solution.
Updated the script to speed up performance. Magnitude of 2 speed up. by switching to another method for the last 10%. Not tuned at all A 15k verts test setup, from 33s, to 0.8s
Yes, in my case it was from nearly half hour to few seconds.
Then, from 8000 points, I tried 80000 points now. Leaving computer overnight.
How long it takes depends on how the vertices are distributed in space.
I see. These kind of algorithm making complex design is interesting.
What is next: snowflakes?
KD Tree isn't the right answer on itself.
Sorting it the right way gives a much better looking result actually. And faster too.
Linusy Magik.
Actually Nikolaus of Local Guru is kind of doing lots of things that Sverchok would be perfect for.
I remember making Noodle pattern just by connecting lines across "sorted" vertices, but I am thinking to make brain pattern as well..
Very curious.