noseglid / atom-build

:hammer: Build your project directly from the Atom editor
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fix refresh targets for json files #542

Closed wiggisser closed 6 years ago

wiggisser commented 6 years ago

seems require(filename) does not reread a changed json file fixes #527

noseglid commented 6 years ago

I guess the issue would still remain for a js file though.

I'm considering whether there's a generic solution (aka, why doesn't the cache eviction two rows up work?)...

wiggisser commented 6 years ago

I set a breakpoint directly before deleting from require.cache. At this breakpoint I see the following

1) When I load a project, require.cache[realFile] is undefined (as expected) 2) When I change the .atom-build.json file require.cache[realFile] contains the old configuration (as expected) 3) When I change the .atom-build.json file again require.cache[realFile] is undefined (not as expected)

It seems, that after the first time, the config is deleted from the require.cache, it is never added again, and all calls to require return the initial configuration, like it was when the file was read for the first time.

noseglid commented 6 years ago

Did you do these tests with or without the fix this PR suggests?

wiggisser commented 6 years ago

Without the PR, ie I did a require(realFile) also for json files

wiggisser commented 6 years ago

I did a bit more of debugging and tried to step into the require call. Seems that atom/electron has some custom implementation of the require call and a separate module cache which seems not to be affected by delete require.cache[...]. Thus, require is always returning the module from that custom module cache

wiggisser commented 6 years ago

I filed an issue with atom ( regarding this, they closed it with "won't fix", so I guess using plain require won't work for updating the build configuration.

I think I found a more general solution, but as I already deleted my fork of this repo I can't update the pull request, so I'm clsoing it and creating a new one ...

noseglid commented 6 years ago

That's unfortunate, but at least we know why (and why I have to restart Atom for every package upgrade!).