noseglid / atom-build

:hammer: Build your project directly from the Atom editor
MIT License
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No eligible build target. No configuration to build this project exists. #543

Closed kojihirai closed 6 years ago

kojihirai commented 6 years ago

In Atom when I press F9 to compile/build the project I get this error. Can someone help me? image

noseglid commented 6 years ago

Have you followed the configuration detailed in the README? You have to provide more info. What does your project look like? Do you have providers? Configuration (.atom-build.*-file)?

borishere commented 6 years ago

I have this issue now. In 2017 I built scss files with build-sass package and everything was fine. Also I don't see the build target name in the bottom left corner on the status bar.

jimkernsjr commented 6 years ago

I started out with such high expectations for platformio, and it's been nothing but a disappointment. It seems nothing works as it should. I followed the instruction to a T to install it, put the appropriate build platforms and board on, and loaded a project I wanted to work on that was built in Platformio. First, it seems I dont have the right build platform selected - see status bar where it says "Photon" and "no device selected:: screenshot from 2018-04-14 19-30-50 So I try to change it, but espressif8266 is not available even so it's installed: screenshot from 2018-04-14 19-50-50 screenshot from 2018-04-14 19-51-14

So what's the problem? I cant find a solution anywhere. I assume it cant build (1st screenshot) because these aren't proper.
I disabled the Particle addons, now everything looks worse: screenshot from 2018-04-14 20-03-53 It will not let me "run other target" - it tells me no targets found.

Any ideas? I dont see any help in the documentation that could reveal what is wrong. Searching google reveals not much.

Thanks in advance.

VitandinBalulo commented 2 years ago

Hi i have the same issue, I'm using it in a basic Arduino project, on Ubuntu 20.04 and at the beginning it worked very well, but now i have to use the Arduino IDE and I'd really rather to use Atom/ PlatformIO

What can I do if i installed it W/O the readme, just uninstall/ install again?? I followed the instructions of a video course. IF SOMEONE ONE KNOWS HOW TO FIX IT PLEASE TELL US