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[New Model] Question Generator #2

Closed NicolasAG closed 6 years ago

NicolasAG commented 6 years ago

Let's take squad dataset and build the following:

given article, generate one or more questions This could be done as a preprocessing step just once in the whole conversation if we store all the generated responses for the length of the conversation

koustuvsinha commented 6 years ago

You mean take only the questions from the squad dataset and make a retrieval model? or a generative model?

NicolasAG commented 6 years ago

I was thinking of a generative model: 1- hierachically encode the (SQUAD / Wikinews) article 2- decode a question (train with likelihood on SQAD questions)

koustuvsinha commented 6 years ago

Bump on this. What I assume it would be that we train a generative model trained over squad article, and given an entity generate the corresponding question. Am I right?

Decision after meeting : Review literature for existing models

koustuvsinha commented 6 years ago