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Reliance on handful of mega relays / relay centralization #21

Open alltheseas opened 6 months ago

alltheseas commented 6 months ago

client initiating action


client receiving or observing action (or lack thereof)



what happens

A handful of mega relays carry most notes. In the words of the creator @fiatjaf

everything works if all notes under the sun are rebroadcasted to these central relays, but what if they decide to block someone


alltheseas commented 6 months ago

addendum to problem statement

I would add that besides a "block", relays can go under due to financial considerations, the relay operator can receive external pressure, lose interest etc..

HMW fix this?

Might gossip model help remedy centralization?

What else might help technically?

Can decentralization be incentivized financially? How?

alltheseas commented 6 months ago

@jb55 on usability vs centralization in early stages:

Usability is much more important than decentralization this early on. If your protocol is super decentralized but noone wants to use it, then who cares. Switching to more decentralized ways of pulling notes is something can be easily changed later.

alltheseas commented 3 months ago

@fiatjaf how much does outbox/gossip fix the relay centralization problem?

What, if anything, do you want to see in addition to outbox/gossip?

fiatjaf commented 3 months ago

I think outbox fixes everything, but the actual implementation of outbox may (and I think it should) vary across clients. We probably need an easy to understand guide for developers and explaining the basic concept and showcasing all the possibilities.

alltheseas commented 3 months ago

I think outbox fixes everything, but the actual implementation of outbox may (and I think it should) vary across clients. We probably need an easy to understand guide for developers and explaining the basic concept and showcasing all the possibilities.


What might this guide include?

alltheseas commented 2 months ago

Related: how do apps handle their app not finding a note?