nostrver-se / nostr-php

PHP helper library for Nostr
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Add more CLI options (#19) #47

Open atrifat opened 9 months ago

atrifat commented 9 months ago

This PR will add more CLI options (#19 ) by introducing four new parameters: --created-at, --kind, --tags, --help. This PR also uses vanilla/garden-cli as CLI dependency instead of implementing manual parsing of CLI arguments as shown in previous implementation.

Previously, CLI tools nostr-php only supports --content, --relay, --key parameters.

nostr-php --help will give command outputs as follows:

usage: nostr-php [<options>]

Send nostr events to relays

  --content, -c      Content (Required)
  --created-at, -a   Event created_at in unixtime (Optional).
  --help, -?         Display this help.
  --key, -p          Private key file location to use (Required).
  --kind, -k         Event kinds (Optional, Default: 1).
  --relay, -r        Relays to publish the events (Required).
  --tags, -t         Comma separated tags (Optional). Example:

nostr-php command without any arguments will give outputs as follows:

[error] The content is empty


To get complete help for commands:

nostr-php --help

Basic Usage:

nostr-php --content "Hello world!" --key /home/path/to/nostr-private.key --relay wss://

Thank you.

Sebastix commented 9 months ago

Thanks @atrifat ! Nice work.

What are the biggest advantages of using a new dependency / package?

The cli client is just a small addition for demonstrating basic command in my opinion. I haven't written much cli applications in php, for the ones I've made I've used If I would like to build a PHP cli client I would use this framework (I'm sure there a other good ones also) and use nostr-php as a package in it.

My suggestion would be to leave vanilla/garden-cli out (the less dependencies we use the better) and keep it very simple with plain php.

atrifat commented 9 months ago

Thank you for your feedback @Sebastix .

What are the biggest advantages of using a new dependency / package?

The biggest advantage is simply that we can simplify the process of parsing and validation of CLI arguments. Instead of we have to manually reinvent or reimplement features by making additional function/class to parse the CLI arguments which prone to errors due to our limited experiences in making CLI apps. I'm sure that there are many other libraries to help with this (including symfony/console) thus open to change the implementation as long as it is simple enough.

$cli->description('Send nostr events to relays')
            ->opt('content:c', 'Content (Required)')
            ->opt('key:p', 'Private key file location to use (Required).')
            ->opt('relay:r', 'Relays to publish the events (Required).')
            ->opt('kind:k', 'Event kinds (Optional, Default: 1).', false, 'integer')
            ->opt('created-at:a', 'Event created_at in unixtime (Optional).', false, 'integer')
            ->opt('tags:t', 'Comma separated tags (Optional). Example: t:nostr,t:travel,e:eventId', false);

I think vanilla/garden-cli has simpler or lightweight implementation (based on their codebase) than full-blown features CLI libraries like symfony/console thus it becomes the main reason of library choice. symfony/console might be better choice if we write many CLI functions.

My suggestion would be to leave vanilla/garden-cli out (the less dependencies we use the better) and keep it very simple with plain php

I think i will look into that and probably make different version of PR later. But still, this approach might end up with situation where we have to make our own CLI parsers.