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Nostriga Agenda HOW-TO #31

Open rockstardev opened 1 week ago

rockstardev commented 1 week ago

Nostriga - 3rd edition of Nostr.World unconference will be created by you!

We've listened to your feedback, and now giving it over to community to shape the event. Let the Nostriches decide what goes on the stage!

You want to speak? Submit an issue. The world wants to hear you? They will vote on it.

Before getting started, make sure your Nostriga Agenda Submission does not fall into any of the following categories:

To see existing submissions, visit:

If you are uncertain whether your submission meets the guidelines, join agenda Telegram group and discuss it with the organizers:

Step 1: Sign in / Sign up for Github account

Step 2: Make sure there is a link to your Nostr profile on your Git Hub profile

Example: Join me on Nostr 𓅦


Step 3: Go to

Step 4: Select your agenda item submission type and click Get Started.


Step 5: Write a descriptive title for your submission, follow the instructions on the issue page, and click "Submit new issue."

Step 6: Link your GitHub submission from your Nostr profile and invite the community to provide feedback. Engage with comments and use 👍 on agenda proposals to express interest.

We will be evaluating submissions weekly and incorporating them into the agenda.

Full credit for this process goes to: miketwenty1, theoriginalbhd, Stephen DeLorme and other TabConf organizers! They pioneered this approach for TabConf 2023, inspiring us to adopt it for #Nostriga!

We look forward to seeing your submissions on GitHub, Nostriches, and eagerly await your feedback on this process in the comments below.

rockstardev commented 1 week ago

PDF version of this guide is on: