not-an-aardvark / eslint-plugin-self

Allows ESLint plugins to lint themselves
MIT License
18 stars 4 forks source link

Support overrides having no rules #5

Closed AdrieanKhisbe closed 4 years ago

AdrieanKhisbe commented 4 years ago

First thanks for your useful plugin @not-an-aardvark :)

With eslint v7 it becomes interesting to have overrides with just a files pattern an extend This makes eslint-plugin-self support that :)

AdrieanKhisbe commented 4 years ago

Thanks @not-an-aardvark! =) and sorry for that late message, even more considering how reactive you were! :)

Do you intend to publish a patch? I can prepare entry for the CHANGELOG if it can help you in having #5 released.

not-an-aardvark commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the reminder, just published as v1.2.1.

AdrieanKhisbe commented 4 years ago

Thanks @not-an-aardvark ! :)