not-ilinked / Anarchy

The superior Discord API wrapper
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Opus.dll / libsodium.dll Download #3345

Open ghost opened 1 year ago

ghost commented 1 year ago


Sadly the example music bot no longer works(Spits no audio) but if people wanna commit and get vc working again hf

verticalsync commented 1 year ago

Please @not-ilinked try to give a little time to this proyect💗

He doesn't even use windows anymore, he'd have to rewrite almost the entire project for it to work on his system. And he has already said he is not maintaining this project anymore, everything new is from contributors.

Mrgaton commented 1 year ago


at least you know some other net library to use self bots?

verticalsync commented 1 year ago


at least you know some other net library to use self bots?

I don't think there really are many, especially one like this. I also don't use C# anymore at all so cannot help.

Mrgaton commented 1 year ago

How i can play a wav file using DiscordVoiceInput?

Mrgaton commented 1 year ago

cause i got this error

System.NullReferenceException HResult=0x80004003 Mensaje = Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Origen = Prose 3.0 Seguimiento de la pila: en Prose_3._0.VoiceChat.Speak(String text) en C:\Users\Mrgaton\Prose 3.0\VoiceChat.cs: línea 66

Mrgaton commented 1 year ago

sorry ignore me