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Czech diacritics mess up 'expand selection' feature #303

Closed alex-jerechinsky closed 1 year ago

alex-jerechinsky commented 1 year ago

I'm used to selecting words by double-clicking them. This bug however also messes up the 'expand selection' feature.

It seems like Nota doesn't recognize letter characters with Czech diacritics as part of the word. Characters with diacritics such as following: ěščřžýáíéťďň

Gif demonstration: doubleclick

original text # 1854 Havlíček Borovský Karel - Král Lávra ## Literární druh a žánr: satirická* alegorická* báseň (poezie, epika) ## Literární směr: knižně poprvé vydáno r. 1870 (posmrtně); vytvořeno v době exilu v Brixenu (pol. 50. let 19. stol.) - vrchol a závěr autorovy tvorby i života; pro očividnou kritiku habsburské monarchie cenzurováno; doznívající národní obrození* ## Figury: - anafora - opakování textu „**Král** Lávra má dlouhé oslí uši, **král** je ušatec!“ - hyperbola neboli nadsázka - personifikace - basa rve - epiteton konstans -
astoilkov commented 1 year ago

I will take a look at it very soon and try to fix it. Thanks for reporting this. Helps a lot!

astoilkov commented 1 year ago

I fixed the issue. The next release will include the fix.

astoilkov commented 1 year ago

This is now part of the latest release.

Closing this issue.