notaapp / talk

Issues and discussions for the notes app, Nota.
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Feature requests: Non-wrapped tables and code blocks #349

Open jxxe opened 1 year ago

jxxe commented 1 year ago

Named wiki links

On Wikipedia, wiki links can contain a bar character to separate the same of the resource they link to from their display text. This makes it easier to incorporate them into sentences. For example:

This Markdown:
Mark Zuckerberg is a [[Human|person]]

Renders as:
<a href="Human">person</a>

Non-wrapped tables and code blocks

For code blocks and large tables, it can be frustrating that they wrap onto multiple lines. It would be much more natural to edit them if they didn't wrap. The only way I can describe this is as if they were in a <div> with overflow-x set to scroll (as code blocks are often displayed). All other elements would remain wrapped.

Bonus: Table formatter

I don't like the idea of a true WYSIWYG table editor because they can be finicky and I want control over the Markdown it produces. However, I often use this tool to tidy up my tables after I write them. Maybe there's some way to build that in, if only as a button that appears near tables to manually trigger a reformat.

Double bonus: Ability to specify the monospace font that Nota uses

astoilkov commented 1 year ago

Hmm, we already support named wiki links. Don't they work for you?

The other three suggestions are on point. Wrapping is extremely hard, that's why we haven't done it. Table formatter — we had that but removed it because it was hard to maintain, however, we want to bring it back. Specify the monospace font — makes a lot of sense, we should do it.

jxxe commented 1 year ago

Ah yes, named wiki links do work, just not in tables