notablemind / jupyter-nodejs

A node.js kernel for jupyter/ipython
MIT License
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Not sure if jupyter-nodejs is working properly... #41

Closed kalmdown closed 7 years ago

kalmdown commented 7 years ago

Very new to development so sorry if this issue is handled by another component but I Googled the warning and couldn't find anything.

When I run the hello world test I receive: In 1: console.log('hello jupyter')Unknown message type: is_complete_request

[6]: {"code":"console.log('hello jupyter')"} /Users/212316291/anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/jupyter_console/ UserWarning: The kernel di warn('The kernel did not respond to an is_complete_request. ' In 1: console.log('hello jupyter') hello jupyter

When I ran "npm install && node install.js" line I get the following warning: npm WARN package.json Dependency 'mkdirp' exists in both dependencies and devDependencies, using 'mkdirp@^0.5.1' from dependencies

Which and Version /Users/212316291/jupyter-nodejs ==> which npm /Users/212316291/anaconda/bin/npm

/Users/212316291/jupyter-nodejs ==> npm --version 2.14.12

My current kernel.json { "argv": [ "node", "/Users/212316291/jupyter-nodejs/build/run.js", "{connection_file}" ], "display_name": "NodeJS", "language": "javascript" }

jaredly commented 7 years ago

I just added support for is_complete_request, thanks for the notice!