notahat / machinist

Fixtures aren't fun. Machinist is.
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Associations Deprecation Warning #54

Open BrianHicks opened 13 years ago

BrianHicks commented 13 years ago

I get the following warning when using associations:

DEPRECATION WARNING: Object#returning has been deprecated in favor of Object#tap. (called from block (2 levels) in <top (required)> at ~/SP/spec/spec_helper.rb:73)

The relevant line of code is...

Survey.blueprint do user name { Faker::Lorem.words(3).join(" ") } intro { Faker::Lorem.paragraph } pubid { { ('a'..'z').to_a.sample }.join } pubdate { 1.days.ago } enddate { 7.days.from_now } end

which is called in the test...

it 'should have surveys' do @u.surveys.make end

where @u is a user object.

I'm using ruby version 1.9.2p0, Rails 3, and Machinist 2.0.0.beta2 managed by RVM.

BrianHicks commented 13 years ago

Wow, it definitely removed all the line breaks from my code. Rest assured, it's not all on one line.

bittersweet commented 13 years ago

I think this has to do with the faker gem, I can't find returning in the machinist code anywhere, while faker has 3 instances of it. Relevant file is lib/faker/lorem.rb lines 15 and 27.

To bad the faker gem is not on GitHub as far as I know.

bittersweet commented 13 years ago

You can use the 'ffaker' gem as it's maintained and supposedly faster.