notaryproject / notation

A CLI tool to sign and verify artifacts
Apache License 2.0
302 stars 84 forks source link

Proposal for Notation patch release #947

Open yizha1 opened 1 month ago

yizha1 commented 1 month ago

Here is the proposal for Notation patch release including notation-core-go v1.0.3, notation-go v1.1.1 and notation v1.1.1.

Target date:

May 31 2024 (Code freeze on May 24, and release process will start on May 27)


FeynmanZhou commented 1 month ago

OCI Spec v1.1 support has been merged into main last month. Should we consider this enhancement as a part of v1.1.1?

yizha1 commented 1 month ago

Here is the updated plan for patch release and I would like to propose additional notation v1.2.0-alpha.1 release for OCI 1.1 support.

Releases before end of May 2024

Release driver: @Two-Hearts and @yizha1

Require @priteshbandi support on reviewing and approving release PRs next week.

notation-core-go v1.0.3

notation-go v1.1.1

Release process:

  1. Check out release-1.1 based on main
  2. On release-1.1, revert PR #379
  3. Release v1.1.1 on release-1.1 branch


  1. Check out release-1.1 based on v1.1.0
  2. Cherry pick or backport non-feature commits from main to release-1.1
  3. Release v1.1.1 on release-1.1 branch

notation v1.1.1

Release process:

  1. Bump up notation-go to v1.1.1 on main
  2. Check out release-1.1 based on v1.1.0
  3. Cherry pick or backport non-feature commits from main to release-1.1
  4. Release v1.1.1 on release-1.1 branch

notation v1.2.0-alpha.1 - With OCI 1.1

Release process:

  1. Bump up notation-go to the lastest commit on main branch
  2. Release v1.2.0-alpha.1 based on main branch

Milestones to notation v1.2.0 stable release

Tag for comments: @notaryproject/notaryproject-org-maintainers @vaninrao10 @priteshbandi @FeynmanZhou @JeyJeyGao

FeynmanZhou commented 1 month ago

LGTM. I will create a new branch for Notation v1.2.0 in the website repository soon.