notaryproject / notation

A CLI tool to sign and verify artifacts
Apache License 2.0
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Check whether the detached signature file meets the OpenSSF Scorecard check criteria or not #974

Open FeynmanZhou opened 1 week ago

FeynmanZhou commented 1 week ago

What is not working as expected?

CNCF provides a tool Clomonitor to run OpenSSF Security Best Practice checks on CNCF projects. There is a signing related check that has not been passed in the security check items. See

According to OpenSSF Scorecard signing check criteria, only these signature file formats *.asc (pgp), *.sig, *.sign, *.sigstore, [*.intoto.jsonl]( could be detected by OpenSSF Scorecard check tool.


According to our current design and spec, Notation blog signing generates the signatures using .sig.jws and .sig.cose file format. We need to check whether these detached signature file meets the OpenSSF Scorecard check criteria or not.

What did you expect to happen?

OpenSSF Security Best Practice check on the signing part should be passed after the Notation release assets are signed by Notation. Notary Project signature file should meet the OpenSSF Scorecard OpenSSF Scorecard signing check criteria.

How can we reproduce it?


Describe your environment


What is the version of your Notation CLI or Notation Library?
