notbenh /

I build a silly terminal as my webpage thinggie
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Adventure! #1

Open vmbrasseur opened 11 years ago

vmbrasseur commented 11 years ago


Command: 'xyzzy' Result: Starts playing Colossal Caves/Adventure.


notbenh commented 11 years ago

I can not up-vote this enough.

notbenh commented 11 years ago

dependent on #3, the way that I am thinking of how best to impliment this would be to have an verb of 'adventure' that just swaps out the object of actions as a way to avoid name collisions. Then adventure could implement a 'quit' verb that just swaps out the actions.

Then from here it would be really nice to formalize a way to build plots in this manner so that others could contribute there own games.

vmbrasseur commented 11 years ago

Could maybe somehow integrate Frotz?

notbenh commented 11 years ago

Well as this is all done in js ducking down to a real machine to run C might be a bit odd, but I like where you are going with using an existing code-base with existing adventures. It looks like could be promising as a js-only solution though I have done no real research... gotta get #3 worked out first (silly task dependencies).

notbenh commented 11 years ago =)

vmbrasseur commented 11 years ago

Wat? I can't +1 @notbenh's comment? I cry foul!