notchris / noteditor

A simple multi-platform 3D editor built with threejs / webgl.
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Physics SANDBOX and model testing #9

Open circuitbone opened 4 years ago

circuitbone commented 4 years ago

sandbox location test

notchris commented 4 years ago

This is in progress :)

notchris commented 4 years ago

Initial convex deconstruction test:

notchris commented 4 years ago

Physics model testing results:

Name Collision Accuracy Comments
bump_bridge_no_handrails.obj Yes 100%
bump_bridge_handrails.obj Yes 80% Railings do not collide
bush_1.obj Yes 50% Odd overlap / tunneling
cog_3.obj Yes 60% Odd overlap - could be mesh scale issue
notchris commented 4 years ago

Update: Implemented a separate renderer for physics bodies vs their mesh representation. This will help use debug the collision areas of loaded .obj files into CANNON. Green wireframes: Physics bodies

notchris commented 4 years ago

Update 2: Collisions now work if the child mesh of an object is passed to CANNON. Previously I would feed in the whole .obj. This produced very precise physics results.

circuitbone commented 4 years ago

I got caught in the middle of the shape, no biggie in the test case.

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circuitbone commented 4 years ago

Feature wishlist for testing.

circuitbone commented 4 years ago

Model check

Testing object.obj Yes 100%  
Tested Inspect ( modeller ) bush_1.obj Yes 50% Odd overlap / tunneling
Tested Inspect ( modeller ) cog_3.obj Yes 60% Odd overlap - could be mesh scale issue
circuitbone commented 4 years ago

cog3 visual component inspection

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circuitbone commented 4 years ago

bush_1 visual component inspection

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circuitbone commented 4 years ago

Rotating the flower objects in this test will help determine how the engines will feel.

circuitbone commented 4 years ago


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