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[停止维护 请使用note286/xduts]西安电子科技大学研究生学位论文XeLaTeX模板
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Closed auroua closed 2 years ago

auroua commented 2 years ago

如题,我用xelatex编译出现了 ·./xdupgthesis.cls:32: LaTeX Error: Missing \begin{document}.·这个错误,麻烦问一下怎么修改? 我用的vs code 进行的开发。

note286 commented 2 years ago

@auroua 你的TeX Live版本是多少,建议安装最新版,你先下载本仓库,然后使用命令行编译测试,看是否可以编译成功,先不要使用各种LaTeX IDE,如果编译失败,请把完整日志贴出来。

latexmk -xelatex -synctex=1 xdupgthesis
auroua commented 2 years ago


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note286 commented 2 years ago

@auroua 请参考卸载与安装,安装最新版TeX Live 2021即可解决,你这是TeX Live 2019,使用前建议稍微阅读下README,写的都很全面。

报错原因是\BeforeBeginEnvironment命令在低版本TeX Live中不存在。

虽然这个错误我可以帮你规避掉,但还是建议安装最新版TeX Live,避免再出现其他错误。

auroua commented 2 years ago


PS C:\Users\albert_wei\Desktop\xdupgthesis> latexmk -xelatex -synctex=1 xdupgthesis
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put line 40.

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line 40.

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ne 42.

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t line 48.

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n input line 55.

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e 57.

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t line 60.

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put line 62.

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t line 62.

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line 62.

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nput line 64.

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undefined on input line 64.

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ned on input line 69.

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d on input line 80.

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n input line 80.

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d on input line 80.

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n input line 80.

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n input line 80.

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efined on input line 80.

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efined on input line 80.

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ined on input line 80.

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nput line 89.

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t line 89.

Package natbib Warning: Citation `xu2020pcdarts' on page 10 undefined on input
line 89.

Underfull \vbox (badness 2626) has occurred while \output is active [10]
Underfull \vbox (badness 10000) has occurred while \output is active [11]

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efined on input line 94.

Package natbib Warning: Citation `DBLP:conf/cvpr/XieGDTH17' on page 12 undefine
d on input line 94.

[12]) [13] (./chapters_dissteration/chp3.tex [14]

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nput line 4.

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nput line 4.

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ut line 4.

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on input line 4.

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on input line 4.

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on input line 4.

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defined on input line 4.

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defined on input line 6.

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d on input line 6.

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defined on input line 6.

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on input line 6.

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defined on input line 8.

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on input line 8.

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n input line 8.

Package natbib Warning: Citation `White2019BANANASBO' on page 15 undefined on i
nput line 8.

Underfull \vbox (badness 2626) has occurred while \output is active [15]

Package natbib Warning: Citation `DBLPjournalscorrabs-2002-05709' on page 16 un
defined on input line 14.

Package natbib Warning: Citation `DBLPconfcvprHe0WXG20' on page 16 undefined on
 input line 14.

Package natbib Warning: Citation `DBLPconficlrAsanoRV20a' on page 16 undefined
on input line 14.

Package natbib Warning: Citation `DBLPjournalscorrabs-2002-05709' on page 16 un
defined on input line 14.

Package natbib Warning: Citation `Chen2019NPENAS' on page 16 undefined on input
 line 16.

Underfull \vbox (badness 1024) has occurred while \output is active [16]

Package natbib Warning: Citation `White2019BANANASBO' on page 18 undefined on i
nput line 57.

Package natbib Warning: Citation `Ying2019NASBench101TR' on page 18 undefined o
n input line 62.

Package natbib Warning: Citation `White2019BANANASBO' on page 18 undefined on i
nput line 62.


Package natbib Warning: Citation `White2019BANANASBO' on page 19 undefined on i
nput line 79.

[19] [20]

Package natbib Warning: Citation `DBLPconfwsdmBaiDBCSW19' on page 21 undefined
on input line 100.


Package natbib Warning: Citation `DBLPconfnipsDudziakCALKL20' on page 22 undefi
ned on input line 128.

Package natbib Warning: Citation `DBLPjournalscorrabs-2002-05709' on page 22 un
defined on input line 133.

! Undefined control sequence.
l.151       \STATE $E_c = \varnothing
note286 commented 2 years ago


  1. 下次使用代码块环境贴日志,我选中你日志选中了半天。
  2. 我看l.151 \STATE $E_c = \varnothing这一句应该是算法环境里的吧,估计是你没有导入算法宏包引起的。
  3. 如果导入后还有问题,你使用xelatex -synctex=1 xdupgthesis编译后再把日志贴到代码块环境中,这样日志更纯粹,不会有交叉引用信息的干扰。
auroua commented 2 years ago




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! LaTeX Error: Option clash for package subfig.

See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.


note286 commented 2 years ago

@auroua 能否再贴一下算法环境部分的源码呢?方便我测试。

note286 commented 2 years ago

@auroua 我导入了如下宏包:



\caption{Euclid’s algorithm}\label{euclid}
\Procedure{Euclid}{$a,b$}\Comment{The g.c.d. of a and b}
\State $r\gets a\bmod b$
\While{$r\not=0$}\Comment{We have the answer if r is 0}
\State $a\gets b$
\State $b\gets r$
\State $r\gets a\bmod b$
\State \textbf{return} $b$\Comment{The gcd is b}


auroua commented 2 years ago


PS D:\xdupgthesis-main> xelatex -synctex=1 xdupgthesis
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cument class, version 0.2.4, modified by @note286, published in https://note286

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g/gettitlestring.sty)) (./xdupgthesis.out) (./xdupgthesis.out)
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d) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] (./chapters/abstract.tex [1] [2] [3]
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[11] [12]) (./xdupgthesis.toc) [13] [14] (./chapters_dissteration/chp3.tex
! Undefined control sequence.
l.7     \Procedure
                  {Euclid}{$a,b$}\Comment{The g.c.d. of a and b}
note286 commented 2 years ago

@auroua 最后一句是你的报错情况,就是有命令未定义,你下载我的模板后,什么也不改动,测试是否可以运行,如果可以,再导入那两个宏包,添加我给的示例,看是否可以运行。如果不能运行,贴日志给我。

note286 commented 2 years ago

@auroua 或者你把你的文件夹打包,移除一下自己的个人信息,仅保留必要的内容,传一下附件,我测试一下。

auroua commented 2 years ago


note286 commented 2 years ago

@auroua 你可以尝试一下Overleaf, Online LaTeX Editor,在README里有介绍如何使用,你先在Overleaf上测试一下你的代码,如果没有问题,说明是你的LaTeX的环境安装的有问题,你自己再解决一下,无论什么情况,都回复一下,我视最后结果看何时关闭issue。

auroua commented 2 years ago


  \caption{\label{ssnenas_algo:2} 固定搜索预算}
  \STATE \textbf{Input:} 初始神经网络架构池中神经网络架构的数量$n_0$, 初始神经网络架构池中网络架构的集合 $D=\{(s_i, y_i), i=1,2,\cdots,n_0\}$, 神经网络性能预测器 $f$,  后代的数量 $t$, 搜索预算 $total\_num$, 固定搜索预算 $ft\_num$.
  \FOR{$n$ from $n_0$ \textbf{to} $total\_num$ + $n_0$ }
    \STATE \textbf{if} $ n \le ft\_num $ \textbf{then}
    \STATE $~~~~$ 使用自监督预训练模型的神经网络嵌入部分初始化神经网络性能预测器 $f$;
    \STATE  $~~~~$ 使用数据集$D=\{(s_i,y_i), i=1,2,\cdots,n\}$对$f$进行微调;
  \STATE \textbf{Output:} $s^* = \arg \min (y_i), {(s_i,y_i)\in D}$


PS D:\xdupgthesis-main> xelatex -synctex=1 xdupgthesis
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) (d:/Program Files/texlive/2021/texmf-dist/tex/latex/auxhook/auxhook.sty)
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(d:/Program Files/texlive/2021/texmf-dist/tex/generic/bitset/bitset.sty
(d:/Program Files/texlive/2021/texmf-dist/tex/generic/bigintcalc/bigintcalc.sty
)) (d:/Program Files/texlive/2021/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/atbegshi-ltx.sty))
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(d:/Program Files/texlive/2021/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tools/tabularx.sty))
(./xdupgthesis.def) (./thesisinfo.tex)
(d:/Program Files/texlive/2021/texmf-dist/tex/latex/algorithms/algorithm.sty
(d:/Program Files/texlive/2021/texmf-dist/tex/latex/float/float.sty))
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(d:/Program Files/texlive/2021/texmf-dist/tex/latex/algorithmicx/algpseudocode.
(d:/Program Files/texlive/2021/texmf-dist/tex/latex/algorithmicx/algorithmicx.s
Document Style algorithmicx 1.2 - a greatly improved `algorithmic' style

! LaTeX Error: Command \algorithmic already defined.
               Or name \end... illegal, see p.192 of the manual.

See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.

l.112    }
note286 commented 2 years ago

@auroua 我这边在本项目模板中增加如下宏包:



  \caption{\label{ssnenas_algo:2} 固定搜索预算}
  \STATE \textbf{Input:} 初始神经网络架构池中神经网络架构的数量$n_0$, 初始神经网络架构池中网络架构的集合 $D=\{(s_i, y_i), i=1,2,\cdots,n_0\}$, 神经网络性能预测器 $f$,  后代的数量 $t$, 搜索预算 $total\_num$, 固定搜索预算 $ft\_num$.
  \FOR{$n$ from $n_0$ \textbf{to} $total\_num$ + $n_0$ }
    \STATE \textbf{if} $ n \le ft\_num $ \textbf{then}
    \STATE $~~~~$ 使用自监督预训练模型的神经网络嵌入部分初始化神经网络性能预测器 $f$;
    \STATE  $~~~~$ 使用数据集$D=\{(s_i,y_i), i=1,2,\cdots,n\}$对$f$进行微调;
  \STATE \textbf{Output:} $s^* = \arg \min (y_i), {(s_i,y_i)\in D}$

使用如下命令在TeX Live 2021上编译:

xelatex -synctex=1 xdupgthesis


! Undefined control sequence.
l.100   \STATE
               \textbf{Input:} 初始神经网络架构池中神经网络架构的数量$n_0$, 初始神经网络架构池中网络架构的集合 $...

! Undefined control sequence.
l.101   \FOR
            {$n$ from $n_0$ \textbf{to} $total\_num$ + $n_0$ }
! Undefined control sequence.
l.102     \STATE
                 \textbf{if} $ n \le ft\_num $ \textbf{then}
! Undefined control sequence.
l.103     \STATE
                 $~~~~$ 使用自监督预训练模型的神经网络嵌入部分初始化神经网络性能预测器 $f$;
! Undefined control sequence.
l.104     \STATE
                  $~~~~$ 使用数据集$D=\{(s_i,y_i), i=1,2,\cdots,n\}$对$f$进行微调;
! Undefined control sequence.
l.105   \ENDFOR

! Undefined control sequence.
l.106   \STATE
               \textbf{Output:} $s^* = \arg \min (y_i), {(s_i,y_i)\in D}$

! LaTeX Error: Something's wrong--perhaps a missing \item.

See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.

l.107   \end{algorithmic}



texdoc algorithmicx




note286 commented 2 years ago

@auroua 另外,手册中有介绍如何使用判断语句,建议不要用空格强行空出来缩进的效果,手册中有丰富的示例供你参考。

auroua commented 2 years ago

好的,谢谢,论文能正常编译出来了,我是latex小白,还想问几个问题请教一下: 1、用这个模板后,图片或表格的引用是不是必须用你定义的方式,即:\figurename~\ref{figu1}\tablename~\ref{tabl1}这种方式 2、中文里面插图索引、表格索引的超链接怎么去掉 3、参考文献应该放到那个地方,为什么我现在中文文章里的参考文献全部都是问号?

note286 commented 2 years ago


  1. 建议按照我的方式,我都调试好了,严格按照我的示例,注意~的使用,请认真阅读。尤其是小白的话,如果效果不对,你再提issue。
  2. 能否具体说明,没有明白你的意思。
  3. 主目录下有一个bib文件,请不要修改文件名,将你的bib条目放到该文件内即可,模板内自带的bib条目可以全部移除,不建议参考,我暂时还没时间去写bib的示例,你可以参考README里的关于参考文献的说明,有一些介绍。
auroua commented 2 years ago

好的, 谢谢你的帮助. 麻烦请教一下图中红底的超链接怎么去掉? 微信截图_20211020111930

note286 commented 2 years ago

@auroua 请测试,已在 中修复,请更新至最新版cls文件即可解决。

auroua commented 2 years ago

符号对照表存在以下两个问题: 1、如图所示,太长了不能正确的显示 微信截图_20211020124142 2、符号对照表如果超过一页,他不自动到下一页,如图所示所示: 微信截图_20211020124237

auroua commented 2 years ago

缩略语对照表显示有点乱,如图所示,这个格式间距我能自己调整么?还有一个问题,如果一行写不下,我怎么控制换行? 微信截图_20211020124644

note286 commented 2 years ago

@auroua 下次不同的问题开不同的issue,同时标题也标注清楚,方便后来的用户查看,不要都堆在一个issue里。

auroua commented 2 years ago

好的, 已经提了新的issue.

note286 commented 2 years ago

@auroua 在 中已实现交叉引用字符间空白自动处理,使用方式有些变化,请阅读README中说明来进行使用,新的命令更加智能和方便。