Open NickRichu opened 2 years ago
Hiya! Could you possibly provide any screenshots or recordings of those bugs? At a guess, however, I'd say some of these bugs are caused by the underlying Markdown editor, outline/rich-markdown-editor, which is unfortunately* not really fixable at the moment, lest someone finds a viable alternative or makes their own.
* Apart from the lag bug - Notea definitely has a lot to gain in performance.
I want to say bravo! This is one of the most amazing open source products I've been able to find. I've used this extensively as part of my everyday note-taking tools and I've come across a few pain points:
[Double astricks][word][closing double astricks][colon][space][another word].
Normally the double asterisks will bold "word" but what actually happens upon refresh is the following:
[Double astricks][white space][word][closing double astricks][colon][another word].
So its almost like it removes spaces in between the asterisks or double asterisks and places it somewhere else. And because this is what usually signals to the app that this is italics or double astricks, the app now thinks the double asterisks don't signify bold or italics but is just another string of characters. This is incredibly frustrating.
To fix it you have to re-bold/italicize then wrap the bolded/italicized word in spaces and repeat that every time you add new entries to that particular note. Very frustrating.
Wonderful app! Just a few bugs to iron out before it becomes a fully mature note-taking app solution