noteflakes / lydown

A language for music notation
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compile issue in lilypond_doc.rb #62

Open hushpiper opened 8 years ago

hushpiper commented 8 years ago

Compiling to anything but a .ly file results in an error:

/tmp/lydown20160830-5140-17wl25n:4:1: error: unknown escaped string: '\pinclude'

\pinclude "/home/REDACTED/.rbenv/versions/2.3.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/lydown-0.14.0/lib/lydown/ly_lib/"

I tracked the issue down to line 9 of lib/lydown/templates/lilypond_doc.rb, which reads "\pinclude" rather than "\include". Changing that line and re-building/installing the gem seems to resolve the issue.