[x] 7. Make find dialog status messages color customizable via Style Configurator.
=> f097012
[x] 8. Make individual tab color customizable via Style Configurator.
=> ecd179f
[x] 9. Add new plugin command NPPM_GETNATIVELANGFILENAME & notification NPPN_NATIVELANGCHANGED for native language being changed.
=> #697 closed
[x] 14. Add Fluent Icons for enhancing FunctionList, Folder as Workspace & project panels' icons in lite mode.
=> Nothing to update (current descriptions don't say anything about presentation, and those icon's don't change anything functionally)
[x] 16. Add file type filters for UDL in Save dialogs.
=> 67c5a51
[x] 17. Add TOML language (TOML format) support.
=> a744c03
[x] 19. Recognize Cython files as Python.
=> Nothing to update (UM doesn't describe the extensions, and the "fix" for Cython just involved adding pyx pxd pxi to the list of Python extensions)
[x] 21. Add the ability to open the copy automatically after the “Save a Copy” command.
=> #698 closed
[x] 23. Add one more option for auto-indent so C-Like language indent can be disabled.
=> adb5259
Updates from v8.7 RC Announcement that require User Manual updates:
pyx pxd pxi
to the list of Python extensions)