notepad-plus-plus / nppPluginList

The official collection of Notepad++ plugins.
1.09k stars 357 forks source link

This ANSI plugin is not compatible with your Unicode Notepad++. #21

Closed ghost closed 5 years ago

ghost commented 5 years ago

Actually after trying to install the plugin from releases page, it says: 2018 11 15 - 17 53 16_rect Notepad++ version(downloaded debug version as mentioned here): 2018 11 15 - 17 53 32_rect Was trying to get it to work with rebuilding using MinGW:

all: $(CC) -c dllmain.cpp nppPluginList.cpp $(DLLDEFINES) $(DLLFLAGS) $(RC) -D _WIN64 $(RCDEFINES) nppPluginList.rc -o $(CC) nppPluginList.o dllmain.o $(LIBS) $(DLLFLAGS) -o nppPluginList.dll

x86: $(CC) -m32 -c dllmain.cpp nppPluginList.cpp $(DLLDEFINES) $(DLLFLAGS) $(RC) -F pe-i386 $(RCDEFINES) nppPluginList.rc -o $(CC) -m32 nppPluginList.o dllmain.o $(LIBS) $(DLLFLAGS) -o nppPluginList.dl

also not work, but it says that the plugin is not win32 app... Seems like MinGW doesn't built it correctly.
dinkumoil commented 5 years ago

Your report is somewhat unclear. I'll try to guess what is your problem.

As far as I can see you tried to install nppPluginList.dll as a plugin in Notepad++ v7.5.9. Obviously you made two wrong assumptions:

  1. nppPluginList is not a plugin itself.
  2. nppPluginList is not suitable for a standard installation of Notepad++ v7.5.9 created by an installer or ZIP package from the official download sources.

nppPluginList is a so called resource-only DLL, containing no executable code but a JSON file. Its intended purpose is to provide a list of available plugins, i.e. their names, version, author, download location and download checksum, to be used with the new build-in Plugin Admin of Notepad++.

If I was wrong with my guessings please provide more clear informations about your problem. If I was right please close this issue.

ghost commented 5 years ago

@dinkumoil Okay I understand what are you talking about, then where should i put the nppPluginList.dll? And where does Plugin Admin menu appears in Notepad++?

nppPluginList is not suitable for a standard installation of Notepad++ v7.5.9

Then which one is suitable? The build from appveyor or from source or?

ghost commented 5 years ago

new build-in Plugin Admin of Notepad++

I can't seem to find out how to start it in Notepad v7.6... The only things i found that:

so far..

dinkumoil commented 5 years ago

The file nppPluginList.dll currently is only part of a local installation of Notepad++ created with an installer package of v7.6. It is stored under %UserProfile%\AppData\Roaming\Notepad++\plugins\config.

Portable installations of Notepad++ created with a ZIP package currently neither contain Plugin Admin nor the file nppPluginList.dll. Thus there will not show up an Plugin Admin entry in the Plugins menu.

For debugging purposes there had been available a special debug build of Notepad++ v7.5.9. I don't know if it is still available. I don't know as well if this debug build was the same like the AppVeyor debug builds of Notepad++. It's on you to try that.

This debug build was able to load the native JSON file of the plugin list (i.e. not packaged in a DLL file). That way it was able to extend the plugin list with own entries for testing purposes. Additionally a debug build of WinGup.exe was required, see here.

The file nppPluginList.dll should be signed with a certificate and thus is immutable respectively you can not compile your own version off the sources - Notepad++ would refuse to load your unsigned version.

The outdated link concerning Plugin Central could considered to be a bug. You should create an issue in the issue tracker of Notepad++ itself.

ghost commented 5 years ago

Portable installations of Notepad++ created with a ZIP package currently neither contain Plugin Admin nor the file nppPluginList.dll. Thus there will not show up an Plugin Admin entry in the Plugins menu.

Ah. That what it is... I'll close it up, is Plugin Admin will be available for portable build? Is that because wingup(and the libcurl) is not included inside zip packages? Why don't include it and make a portable version update'able too?

dinkumoil commented 5 years ago

Why don't include it and make a portable version update'able too?

WinGup is also used to update Notepad++ itself - it downloads an installer version. If you run a portable version this would be wrong. The author of Notepad++ is researching for a solution for that problem.

ghost commented 5 years ago

it downloads an installer version. If you run a portable version this would be wrong.

Yes, that is what i meant, if it knows where to find the installer version, it should be able to find the zip version as well(since they are on each release page), and download it instead of installer.

The author of Notepad++ is researching for a solution for that

Since he already found a solution for installer version there should similar for zip(portable) one.