notgoodusename / OsirisAndExtra

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2 Errors #580

Closed polarfraud closed 11 months ago

polarfraud commented 11 months ago

Error LNK1120 1 unresolved externals C:\Users\myname\Desktop\OsirisAndExtra-main\OsirisAndExtra-main\Release\Osiris.dll 1

LNK2001 unresolved external symbol "void (__cdecl* std::_Raise_handler)(class stdext::exception const &)" (?_Raise_handler@std@@3P6AXABVexception@stdext@@@ZA::<!std>) C:\Users\myname\Desktop\OsirisAndExtra-main\OsirisAndExtra-main\Osiris\std.ixx.obj 1

Hopefully someone can help me with this 💀

notgoodusename commented 11 months ago

What versionn of vs are you using? have tried this pr?

polarfraud commented 11 months ago

I got it fixed with the fix you linked for me. Thanks!

polarfraud commented 11 months ago

Thanks for help.