nothinglo / Deep-Photo-Enhancer

TensorFlow implementation of the CVPR 2018 spotlight paper, Deep Photo Enhancer: Unpaired Learning for Image Enhancement from Photographs with GANs
MIT License
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Pair Training Data preparing #78

Closed marvellousxf closed 5 years ago

marvellousxf commented 5 years ago

I want to train the Supervised Model. But I dont't know how to preapare or put the image data. I created a file folder named 'dataset', And in 'dataset' , there is an 'input' and a 'label' folder which contains the original images and modified images by expert C. Then I copiede the train.txt in dataset。So should I prepare a label.txt which is the same with train.txt

nothinglo commented 5 years ago

Sorry, you may need to spend a little time to read the code. x_x