nothirst / TICoreDataSync

Automatic synchronization for Core Data apps, between any combination of Mac OS X and iOS: Mac to iPhone to iPad to iPod touch and back again.
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Recommendations on how to implement a pause/resume feature? #57

Closed dfcarney closed 11 years ago

dfcarney commented 11 years ago

Thanks for all your work on TICoreDataSync; it's a great project.

I'm aiming to use TICDS in an app with a CoreData model that includes an external record file for some large NSData blobs. I want to prevent these objects from being synced unless a wifi connection is available. As far as I can tell, it's not currently possible to explicitly pause and resume synchronizations. I was consider hacking things to just block in various delegate callbacks if Reachability status isn't Wifi, but that's just evil.

Do you have any recommendations on how to implement pause/resume support?

Alternatively, is it possible to exclude some objects (or attributes) as part of a synchronization? I.e. could I exclude NSData attributes (marking them as a pseudo-fault) that TICDS recognizes their containing objects as being partially synchronized (such that large NSData blobs are only synchronized once wifi access becomes available)?

MrRooni commented 11 years ago

Hey David, glad you're enjoying the project. To prevent TICDS from synchronizing you can return NO from the TICDSDocumentSyncManagerDelegate method:

/** Invoked to ask the delegate whether the document sync manager should initiate Synchronization automatically after finishing processing changes in a synchronized managed object context.

 @param aSyncManager The document sync manager object that sent the message.
 @param aMoc The managed object context that saved.

 @return `YES` if the document sync manager should initiate the upload, otherwise `NO`. */
- (BOOL)documentSyncManager:(TICDSDocumentSyncManager *)aSyncManager shouldBeginSynchronizingAfterManagedObjectContextDidSave:(NSManagedObjectContext *)aMoc;

It is not possible at this point to exclude some attributes from synchronization in the manner you're describing, unfortunately.

MrRooni commented 11 years ago

We actually use a similar technique that you're describing in MoneyWell to prevent the remote files from being vacuumed unless Wi-Fi is available:

- (BOOL)documentSyncManagerShouldVacuumUnneededRemoteFilesAfterDocumentRegistration:(TICDSDocumentSyncManager *)aSyncManager
    if ([[TNMReachability reachabilityWithHostname:kDBDropboxAPIHost] isReachableViaWiFi] == NO) {
        return NO;
dfcarney commented 11 years ago

Thanks for the informative replies; I'll incorporate your answers into my project. Incidentally, I also added a Reachability callback that cancels an existing synchronization if Wifi disappears for more than a few seconds (and, similarly, initiates a new one when Wifi is restored).

I've got another question, which I'll post separately.