noties / Markwon

Android markdown library (no WebView)
Apache License 2.0
2.75k stars 311 forks source link

Text truncated in list #78

Closed DSofter closed 5 years ago

DSofter commented 5 years ago


One of our users is seeing this rendering bug:

If you look on the right side, some text are being truncated.

Please let me know if this could be fixed! Happy to provide more information!

noties commented 5 years ago

Hello @DSofter !

I had similar problem in sample application when I was using padding/margin directly on TextView. After I had moved padding to parent widget, everything was rendered correctly. Can you verify if this is your case?

DSofter commented 5 years ago

Thanks for your quick response! I have moved padding to parent:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>



However the issue remains the same.

Here's the markdown I used:

And the speech on ["1 year around the world on 1 bitcoin"]( by remyhauxley, who I had already met and befriended on Wednesday.

Interspaced with time spent making a certain baby laugh (she's the most adorable 5-month-old I've seen in my life, and my mom used to work with babies), the day flew by and before I knew, it was dinner time, I ate (apparently, I was one of the few who actually liked the mushroom soup) and returned to the apartment.

I promised myself to go to the Night of Steem after that. I promised myself I'd just take a short nap to fight my headache. But when I tried to stand up from the bed, the headache hit me in the face like a truck. [@reggaemuffin]( had to go alone.

### Saturday, 10/11

We chose to participate in the trip to Auschwitz. I didn't take any pictures there and I won't write much about it, as that feels like it's something touristic, not a reminder of what horrible things people are capable of.

It's something you must have experienced to fully grasp, the horror of what went down there.

[@reggaemuffin](, [@fukako](, [@techslut](, [@mrlightning](, and me went out for pierogi in the evening, which ended the day on a better note than it had been most of the time.

### Sunday, 11/11

Regretfully, our plane already left at noon, so we weren't able to attend the closing dinner. It would have been so much fun! But you can't have everything. We're both looking forward to the next Steemfest!




My recap might seem a bit short, which is due to the fact that there was just TOO MUCH, and if I went into detail, I'd need to split this post into several parts. And you know what? I just don't have the patience for that.

I loved meeting everyone, I loved talking to people, hugging people, laughing with people. There are so many that I probably already forgot again, because I apparently spoke to more than 1/3 of all attendees. Which is a good bit over 100 people.

Below, you will find a short shoutout to everyone who appeared on my "scanned" list in the Steemfest app - which is by far not everyone I talked to, because I did not scan everyone.

If you are not in that list, but remember talking to me, you're more than welcome to say hi again. I'm just horrible with names.




1. [@reggaemuffin]( is the first on my list, which comes to no surprise, as we flew to Krakow together. Without him, I wouldn't be on Steem, wouldn't know all these great people, and would have never attended Steemfest. So, a big shout out to him!
2. [@louis88]( one of the Germans. We talked a lot, and he was one of the top 4 in the scanning competition for a long time, before he was overtaken.
3. [@reiseamateur]( is another one of the Germans. So many Germans! I met him on Wednesday already.
4. [@sjennon]( was part of the Steemfest crew, and dutifully passing out badges + goodie bags. She still took the time to scan + chat with me.
5. [@varunpinto]( Another one of the crew, and one of the first people to get a Utopian shirt.
6. [@things]( cheery personality and I kept seeing her around!
7. [@aishwarya]( have you seen her art? NO?! Go check it out!
8. [@wandereronwheels]( I can't tie a face to this name anymore ... please leave a comment so you can get an upvote as an apology ^^'
9. [@mrlightning]( What can I say ... if there had been an award for the greatest hugs, you would have won it. For the greatest person, you'd be tied with several people, but nobody can take those hugs from you. I will miss this.
10. [@firepower]( Mr. Organizer! It was awesome finally meeting you in person, even though you often seemed a bit anxious (especially on Saturday), to make sure things go right. But it worked out!
11. [@rivalzzz]( My ultimate rival. All Thursday long, we battled for the 1st place, and I loved it. I hope you enjoyed our friendly competition just as much as I did. Looking forward to the next time, when I'll *destroy you*... :D
12. [@rOOsj3]( I was so, so, SO looking forward to meeting you! And I did! Each day! And you're just as enjoyable in person as you are online.
13. [@teamsteem]( "Heeey suesa!" I heard, one of the first people to call me by my "name" was teamsteem. You recognized me immediately, I took a moment longer do decipher the name on the badge. People should really have tattooed those names on their foreheads!
14. [@elmerlin]( Another person I sadly can't place anymore, and your profile appears empty. Leave me a comment and let's reconnect!
15. [@roxane]( Congratulations on overtaking me in points, despite not even playing the scanning game. I hope you do something meaningful with your share of the money! :)
16. [@celestal]( "I know you!" Thanks for the dried fruit, thanks for the talks, thanks for being as awesome as in chat, you Finnish freak! <3
17. [@gregory.latinier]( I knew you of course already, as we're both with Utopian, there was no way around that. But meeting you in person was great, once we got past the "Hug? That French cheek kiss thing? *Handshake?!*" problem. That orange T-shirt really suited you!
18. [@lichtcatchtoby]( my favorite Austrian (sorry everyone else)! I didn't expect to see you so shortly after staying at your place, but our fates seem intertwined. Something like that. Now that I've written it, it sounds a bit over the top, but who cares. Who actually reads this anyway? (You I hope)
19. [@espoem]( had an even greater assortment of pins than I did. Thank you for sharing them, thank you for the positive atmosphere that surrounded you, every time we encountered each other.
20. [@sorin.cristescu]( You too are one of the people I've known on Steem for a pretty long time, so seeing each other was super cool.
21. [@jaki01]( One more familiar name, of the German-speaking variety. Awesome meeting you, dude!
22. [@kobold-djawa]( You were one of the people who had their kid with them, right? Absolute cutie.
23. [@techslut]( I have no words for this pink lady, except for maybe "I love you to bits" <3
24. [@howo]( *punches you softly in the shoulder*
25. [@fredrikaa]( I am surprised that I didn't see you asleep at any of the presentations :P Good job on the steempress speech ([@howo]( too, ofc).
26. [@redrica]( Funny having you after fredrikaa, because [@reggaemuffin]( always struggled to keep the names of you two apart, when someone said them. Also, you're an absolute sweetheart.
27. [@steevc]( I think I signed your ukulele. We also ran into each other like, all the time.
28. [@fukako]( You stalker. You know too much. Love you anyway.
29. [@danea]( I hope you even see this, as I don't know if you're even active with this account. Then again, you might be reading from the other one. I just wanted to say "thank you" again, for always supporting and loving my stories. I looked so forward to chatting with you in person, and it was just as great as I expected.
30. [@neopch]( I love that piercing, and the fact that you're super energetic. And I think you're with ddaily? Never heard of that before Steemfest, I must admit. But cool stuff.
31. [@buttcoins]( I always loved that nickname. I loved your performance on Friday even more. Please always stay like this!
32. [@camuel]( Checking your blog, I certainly remember your face, but not what we talked about, which is a shame. Usually, it's the other way around. I am still happy we met!
33. [@jeffjagoe]( Something something food related ... we apparently didn't talk long enough.
34. [@escapist]( One of my favorite Finnish women, and I was SO happy to see her/you again! Can't wait for the next time!
35. [@eveuncovered]( basically the same as for [@escapist](, plus the fact that I *love* the business card I got from you ;)
36. [@asgarth]( The name alone is epic. I remember that we met in a group setting with...
37. [@kevinli]( (who also had a great performance on Friday) ...
38. [@daniel.errey]( ...
39. ... and [@teodora]( ! I liked just hanging out with you people for a while, sitting outside, giving you some of my pins. You supporting me against [@rivalzzz]( Good times.
40. [@sndbox]( There were actually two people with that name tag, and I forgot both faces. Nevertheless, we stood around a bit and talked, which was awesome. You're awesome. Your project is awesome. Keep doing that.
41. [@kevinwong]( was standing there too while I was chatting with the [@sndbox]( guys, although that was neither the first nor the last time I saw him walking around. But we didn't really talk much after that.
42. [@ethwarrior]( I think you told me you're not signed up on Steem yet ... or I might just think so because your profile doesn't exist. I will be waiting for your arrival on the blockchain.
43. [@remyhauxley]( First we talked about Terry Pratchett, then about touring the world (in your case) and Europe (in my case), while leeching off  visiting crypto enthusiasts and friends. Your "One Year on One Bitcoin" story was intriguing, and not just that: You're super cool to be around. I think I spent a significantly longer time talking to you than to most people. Also, your beard is awesome.
44. [@tarazkp]( "We talk sometimes." "Oh, do we?" Thanks for making meeting you for the first time slightly awkward. Still glad to have finally met :P
45. [@meno]( I walked past you so many times before I finally got around to chat you up. And it was a good decision to finally do it.
46. [@yidneth]( I am so, so sorry for not being able to come to the Night of Steem to hear you sing! I've heard recordings (thanks, [@reggaemuffin]( and you were so great! And I loved your outfits (yes, all of them)! And your personality, and you! You're so freaking talented, keep that up. It's a true gift to the world.
47. [@hedac]( You were mostly with yidneth, but I think us two didn't talk much. We should have!
48. [@surfermarly]( Chill, lovable, and always looking good. Please teach me?
49. [@theaustrianguy]( You know what? Both, on Wednesday, and then again after deleting my whole list of "scanned" people, I had someone ask you if I met you (today). Both times, I said no. Both times, I shortly after realized that I scanned you that day. What's up with that? Admit it, you somehow tampered with my brain to make me forget your face the moment you leave.
50. [@guchtere]( You were another one of the people constantly crossing my path. I don't complain about that, because being around you was always nice.
51. [@jeanpi1908]( So, I've been told people have been confusing you and [@reggaemuffin]( I don't get that. You two are pretty different. You're still a neat person tho.
52. [@goodwithtravels]( You're (*ba-dum-tss*) good with travels! Jokes aside, I usually saw you around other travel-oriented people. Which is not that surprising I guess.
53. [@for91days]( "Your name seems familiar ..." "Yea, I'm suesa on Sola too. We met there." I never thought I'd meet people I interacted with on Sola. But here we go. And you even speak German. Although that part shouldn't surprise me, because ffs, there were so many German-speakers at Steemfest.
54. [@yrtphoto]( The chocolate. THE CHOCOLATE! Oh people, have you tasted HIS CHOCOLATE?! NO?! Oh, your loss. He was passing it out at Steemfest. And it was sooo goooood.
55. [@jaybird]( I am sorry I missed your performance on Friday, but *you* failed to make an appearance in my dream, as you promised! How rude!
56. [@dan-atstarlite]( Always running around with jaybird, and a musician too. Actually, the first time I ran into you guys was at the airport, where we were joking about the guy who taped a baseball bat to his suitcase. Who does that? And why?
57. [@abh12345]( You have like, the laziest name ever. But I already knew that because I already knew you. Glad to finally put a face to that na....wait your profile picture is your face. That was anti-climatic.
58. [@shanibeer]( Unable to put a face to this name again ... damn it. Leave me a comment please to reconnect!
59. [@amalinavia]( You shyly showed me your sketchbook and I was in love! I had to show my friend immediately! You also hosted a drawing workshop which I would have attended, had I realized you were leading it. Don't apologize for your English, you are wonderful and talented.
60. [@honeydue]( We ran into each other on Wednesday and never stopped, every encounter was a delight. Although I somehow always got a craving for melons ...
61. [@coruscate]( I just realized I met you twice, once during the official Steemfest activities, and once when you were trying to organize the karaoke. Sorry for being grumpy about the overfilled pub, I was tired and German.
62. [@cryptogee]( You're so *freaking tall* O.o Sorry, that was one of the first things I noticed about you, and I somehow didn't expect that. Your voice is amazing to listen to (I hope that doesn't sound too creepy). Talking to you about science and all that other stuff was super cool.
63. [@cryptoctopus]( I wish I could say something meaningful about you, but your daughter stole the show. She's the most adorable baby and my best friend now. You gotta live with that.
64. [@kryptokessler]( It's so German of you to not want to talk about business, and then proceed to invite me to a conference ;) I'll see if I can attend.
65. [@apshamilton]( You're super cool, the whole suing facebook&Co. for banning crypto ads? I didn't even hear about that before I met you.
66. [@datristan]( We met briefly at the end of dinner, together with ...
67. [@future24]( ...
68. ... and [@lex030]( . We sadly didn't chat much, as I was trying to find
69. [@mammasitta]( ! Who climbed up the leaderboard of the scanning game out of nowhere, and didn't even realize. Loved meeting and hugging you.
70. [@soyrosa]( She's NOT Spanish, even though I assumed that the first time I read her name. You gotta show me a picture of that fancy finger jewelry!
71. [@jasch]( Another faceless name, and almost empty account. I'm looking forward to a comment, so we can connect!
72. [@detlev]( I kept hearing your name from [@reggaemuffin](, and at Steemfest, I could finally meet you! Another German ... what a surprise.
73. [@twinner]( We didn't talk that much, but you gracefully allowed me to scan you anyway. But most importantly, you gave me a PEN. An AWESOME pen!
74. [@adetorrent]( Our first encounter was awkward ... for *you*. Which amused me greatly, and I was happy to see you each time after that, although I am not sure how much you actually remember. You told me on Friday, that you were running on 3 hours of sleep (it was 9 am). That is not healthy. Absolutely not.
75. [@guyfawkes4-20]( You're lying about your age, admit it! You're also pretty amusing when drunk.
76. [@vcelier]( "Story of my life" taken a bit more literally. I think it's super epic that you're blogging your memoirs on Steem!
77. [@yann0975]( Is the one who told me everything I wanted to know about [@cleanplanet]( , which made me decide to delegate 500 SP to the project. Check it out yourself!
78. [@traveller7761]( What's better in the morning than chatting up unknown people (in German) and them bringing them to someone else to network? After a brief chat&scan, I introduced traveller7761 to yann0975, as I felt their interests aligned. I hope they got along :)
79. [@captainbob]( Checking your blog, I recognize your face, but don't remember our conversation ... Shame on me.
80. [@jongolson]( SteemSavvy! I still have your business card! Had to come back to talk to you, because our conversation was interrupted by the opening presentation for the day. So rude of roeland.
81. [@bimjer]( Following the time line of the day, I guess I met you when I was talking to captainbob and jongolson. I shouldn't have talked to groups that much, it obviously made me forget too much about the people.
82. [@sekhmet]( Always busy, busy, busy .... just as...
83. ...[@jm90mm]( ! I am still a bit sad that I didn't get a T-Shirt.
84. [@slobberchops]( *How much* did you spend on "Magic the Gathering" cards again? I wonder of anyone has invested that much into SteemMonsters yet!
85. [@gmuxx]( and
86. [@rhondak](, you two are just so great! I've known you for a while, although we never talked *that* much. But I'm looking forward to how your project will evolve, and I want to be *involved* in it!
87. [@arcange]( Thanks for the app, even though it didn't always work as it should have (you should have been my 87th point when in reality, you were somewhere in my 60s). I never spent much thought on what the person behind steemitboard might be like, but even then I probably wouldn't have guessed right. I like how chill and at the same time excited you are and am glad we met.
88. [@fervi]( If I remember correctly, you didn't scan people at first, but then we met again during the "One Year on One Bitcoin" presentation. Correct me if I'm wrong!
89. [@polygnom]( , your hair is awesome. Nothing more to say. (Ok, the pins in your backpack are cool too. And your business cards. I mean... UNICORNS?!)
90. [@chickencaam]( Another group situation, if I remember correctly. Fleeting moments and faces, passing by ...
91. [@marco]( An empty profile ... and I can't remember your face. Please reconnect!
92. [@gillianpearce]( Although I hadn't heard of you or seen your name before Steemfest, I am glad we met. Our short chat was super nice :)
93. [@rea]( I remember thinking "woah, her name is super short, she must have been on Steem for a pretty long time!" We talked a while, and then you introduced me to
94. [@ezzy]( , because he's a writer too. Talking to you both at the back of the corridor, where the noise wasn't as harsh as further inside, I had a good time.
95. [@felix.herrmann]( Aaaaand another German-speaking attendee. Will it ever stop? Probably not. Poor Poland.
96. [@steemmatt]( Go on, call me out on my inability to recall your face.
97. [@bugavi]( and her mom
98. [@olga.maslievich]( were an absolute pleasure to meet. They took pictures of me and [@reggaemuffin]( (I guess they loved his hair, almost everyone did) the first time we really talked. You two were always cheerful, and talking to everyone. I am glad you attended this Steemfest, and would be happy to see you on the next!
99. [@peixeboi]( We only chatted very briefly, I sadly can't recall what we talked about.
100. [@yabapmatt]( Hmmmmmm who was that guy again.... I he's involved in ... a card game? What a nerd. Also my number 100 and a super cool person! :D
101. [@artakush]( Never have I seen anyone die so gracefully because of bean soup.
102. [@greencross]( We didn't talk in detail, damn group situations. But we met! And we said hi!
103. [@jestemkioskem]( Utopians unite! Italy, Poland, doesn't matter.
104. [@vikonomics]( I think you need to explain @1Ramp to me again.
105. [@joythewanderer]( You're super cute, do you know that?
106. [@stoodkev]( I am writing the draft for this post on steempeak. And while doing that, I am enjoying using "ctrl+backspace" several times. Thanks for this application, really. Also, thanks for your business card. It's pretty.
107. [@aggroed]( I'm sorry I almost knocked over your laptop, it will not happen again ^^'
108. [@race-redmedia]( At first, I didn't know who I was talking to. Some random couple, sharing a username? Hm. Then I learned that the female half was [](! We had some topics to bond over ;)
109. [@fundition]( Cool project, keep that up.
110. [@crimsonclad]( I love you? You're super cool in person too? And thank you for reassuring me that I don't necessarily want to have kids in 10 years ...
111. [@roelandp]( Some weird guy walking around in a fire suit. Somehow seemed important. Idk. He tried to steal SBD from me by making me scan a QR code. (Thanks for organizing Steemfest!)
112. [@aaronleang](, ...
113. ... [@joannewong](, ...
114. ... and [@elizacheng]( were the three ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL HUMAN BEINGS from #TeamMalaysia, who gave me one of their pins and a space to relax in. You three are awesome and I'm incredibly happy to have bonded with you!
115. [@ersanduran]( Sorry for not remembering you :(
116. [@birdinc]( I was amused each time I met someone I didn't know, who then turned out to be with some important project. With you, it was Steemit Inc., oops. Now I know! :D I enjoyed our chat.
117. [@gandalf]( He's the one who convinced me to come to Steemfest. You were right, it was so worth it. And seeing you again was one of the best things! ^__^ Will see you again when I come back to visit the salt mines.
118. [@ultranihilist]( "A Russian and a German meet in Poland ..." Looking forward to trying out your project!
119. [@nastyaromanova]( I think you were there when I talked to ultranihilist, correct me if I'm wrong. You're cool, I like you.
120. [@sambillingham]( We scanned more than once, but it never really worked ... but it gave us several chances to talk! And together, we found water.
121. [@rmt]( Don't be embarrassed by your dad, he's cool. You're cool too!
122. [@velimir]( We couldn't meet in Zagreb, so we met in Poland instead. And it was absolutely worth it, I am looking forward to the next time we encounter each other!
123. [@karinxxl]( We met right before dinner on Friday, and if I remember correctly, you had arrived not too long ago. But we still met! Which is cool.
124. [@el-cr]( I think we had a "Hold my beer" moment. I held your beer. You poured another one.
125. [@nanzo-scoop]( You were sitting next to me during the dinner on Friday, and we talked and talked and talked! It helped me ignore my headache a little bit better. Thank you for the wonderful evening!
126. [@revisesociology]( We caught each other early Saturday morning, on our way to the buses to Auschwitz, and then lost each other again ... would have liked to talk some more!
127. [@curlysue]( "My username actually comes from 'Susan'" "Oh really? My name *is* Susan!" When one Sue meets the other :D I love your hair.
128. [@therealwolf]( How come I scanned you that late? We ran into each other before we even reached Qubus hotel!
129. [@jayna]( and
130. [@jarvie]( let me scan them on Saturday evening, and they were the last new people I scanned. I was already too tired to hold a proper conversation, but I still remember your faces.

There were a bunch of people I didn't scan, but still talked to ([@anomadsoul]( for example, or [@blewitt]( who was the only person who gave me an accetable amount of hugs), but my brain is as leaky as a rusty bucket, so I can't really come up with the list anymore. But you can be sure that if we talked, I was happy about it.

So long


Let me know if you could reproduce it on your side!

noties commented 5 years ago

Hello @DSofter !

I actually hunted down this one. I can reproduce it on all devices and API levels (which is really scary on Android side). Let me break it down:

As a workaround and fix we might want to accept also TextPaint or just Paint to SpannableTheme and do calculations there... I wanted to abstract from it (postpone usage until rendering and not whilst parsing), but it seems that it is not possible.

Thanks for nice find 🙌

DSofter commented 5 years ago

@noties Thank you for adding this to the 2.0.1 milestone! Do you use cryptocurrency? We would like to support your project by sending you some! This is our project:

noties commented 5 years ago

@DSofter I have updated SNAPSHOT version (2.0.1), can you please check?

In short, I have added OrderedListItemSpan#measure(TextView,CharSequence) method. It should be called before TextView#setText(CharSequence). But if you are using Markwon#setText you are good to go as-is (internally it will call required method).

I've looked through your application and it's amazing! Good job! Currently I'm not involved with cryptos, but knowing that this library helped (even a little bit!) to build your app - priceless 😄 . Would you mind if I put your app in README (apps using this library section)? 🙌

DSofter commented 5 years ago


It works like a charm!

Free feel to put us in README, it will be our honor!

We can help you setup a Steem account if you want, and we can hangout there. It's really cool! You can email me the username you want and we'll set it up for you!