notiflix / Notiflix

Notiflix is a pure JavaScript library for client-side non-blocking notifications, popup boxes, loading indicators, and more that makes your web projects much better.
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How to set global style ? #36

Closed orhanmusellim closed 3 years ago

orhanmusellim commented 3 years ago

Thanks for this libraries.

I need to set global style changes, eg. change Success Notify background color.


furcan commented 3 years ago

Hi @orhanmusellim

You can use the Init() functions to do that. An example of usage is below.

  success: {
    background: 'green',

Also, these links might be helpful.

Thanks. Furkan.

VictorPietro commented 2 years ago

Hi @furcan, thanks for the help. I don't know exactly where should I put the Notiflix.Notify.Init() function so it applies globally.

I've tried to put it inside my _app.tsx_ file, right before the return, but it didn't work. Do you know where should I put it? This is a NextJS project.

furcan commented 2 years ago

Hi @VictorPietro ,

Actually, the init() and merge() functions are not being designed to use within modern frameworks like React, Next.js, etc...

But also, the answer is "yes", these functions also can be used within these frameworks as well. An example of usage is below.

// Layout (or the main wrapper component like "_app.tsx" etc...)

import { Notify } from 'notiflix';

function Layout() {

  // useEffect hook
  useEffect(() => {

      backOverlay: true,
      success: {
        background: 'green',

  }, []);

  return (
      <ComponentX />
      <ComponentY />
      <ComponentZ />
// ComponentX

import { Notify } from 'notiflix';

function ComponentX() {
  return (
      onClick={() => Notify.success('Hi!')}
      <span>Click Me</span>

export default ComponentX;

But, there are method-based init/extend options(as a parameter) for all the methods also. So, in my opinion, the best use-case scenario is below.

1- A Constants object for your settings.

// xxx/yyy/constants.ts

import { INotifyOptions } from 'notiflix';

interface IConstants {
  notiflix: {
    notify: INotifyOptions;
    // the other modules, etc...

const constants: IConstants = {
  notiflix: {
    notify: {
      success: {
        background: 'green',
    // the other modules, etc..

export { constants };

2- Any component that you have wanted to use Notiflix.

// ComponentX

import { Notify } from 'notiflix/build/notiflix-notify-aio';

import { constants } from 'xxx/yyy/constants';

function ComponentX() {
  return (
      onClick={() => Notify.success('Hi!', constants.notiflix.notify)}
      <span>Click Me</span>

export default ComponentX;

And also you can extend over and over again your method-based init options for each method as well.

// ...
onClick={() => Notify.success('Hi!', { ...constants.notiflix.notify, useIcon: false })}
// ...

In addition,

Thanks, Furkan.

VictorPietro commented 2 years ago

Hi @VictorPietro , (...) Thanks, Furkan.

Hi @furcan, thanks for the brilliant answer and your time! You may have noticed at this point that I'm inexperient with NextJS, so your detailed answer was very helpful.

Using useEffect() hook in _app didn't work for me, but the second solution, using a constant, has worked magnifically!

furcan commented 2 years ago

Hi @VictorPietro

Happy to hear that.

And no worries, I am not an expert either. 😊

Using within a hook is not a good option in any way. Because it will be called in every render(all components, etc...) and it will make lots of costs. The optimum way is following the second solution.

Have a nice day, Furkan.