notion-enhancer / notion-repackaged

notion executables with the notion-enhancer embedded & a vanilla port of the official app to linux
MIT License
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Embedded PDFs not appearing on Mac Desktop #88

Closed vnavone closed 2 years ago

vnavone commented 2 years ago

What is happening? None of my embedded PDF files are displaying on Notion pages with the Mac version. The appear as normal in the browser extension version of NE.

What should be happening? PDF display should be consistent across versions

Operating system/browser name & version: MacOS 11.5.2, Chrome Version 96.0.4664.110 (Official Build)

notion-enhancer and/or notion-repackaged version: Notion Enhanced Mac Repackaged Version 2.0.18-1 (2.0.18-1)

notion-enhancer configuration (enabled/disabled mods and their settings): Enabled mods: Tweaks - thicker bold text, full-width pages, responsive columns: 60, 30 Simpler databases Emoji sets: Twitter Collapsible properties Truncated titles - default Icon sets - default