ActivePool contract: The Active Pool holds the JUNO collateral and USJ debt (but not USJ tokens) for all active troves.
DefaultPool: The Default Pool holds the JUNO and USJ debt (but not USJ tokens) from liquidations that have been redistributed to active troves but not yet applied, i.e. not yet recorded on a recipient active trove's struct.
CollSurplusPool: The Coll Surplus Pool holds the JUNO surplus from Troves that have been fully redeemed from as well as from Troves with an ICR > MCR that were liquidated in Recovery Mode.
USJ Token Implemetation
usj-base generic package
Tasks in progress:
Write tests for all completed contracts and modify contracts if logical errors are found.
I. Task description
Convert Liquity Solidity smart contract to USJ Cosmwasm contract for our first review.
II. Task timeline
Deadline: 27/6/2022. 28/6 is ready for discuss.
III. Task goals