notjustinsi / prework-study-guide

Prework repo
MIT License
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JavaScript #3

Open notjustinsi opened 12 months ago

notjustinsi commented 12 months ago

As a boot camp student

I want the prework notes to be structured on a webpage So that I can easily find and read the information

GIVEN a Prework Study Guide website WHEN I view the study guide THEN I can see the four topics I learned listed along with a suggestion on what I should study first

Valenciatv001 commented 12 months ago

Hi there! It's great to see your interest in having a structured Prework Study Guide website. To meet your requirements, I suggest the following solution:

  1. Create a website or webpage where the study guide will be hosted. This could be a simple HTML/CSS/JavaScript page or a more sophisticated web application, depending on your needs and technical skills.

  2. Structure the content by creating four sections or topics that align with what you've learned in your boot camp.

  3. In each section, provide clear and organized information related to the topic. You can use HTML to structure the content and add headings, paragraphs, lists, and links to additional resources.

  4. To meet the "suggestion on what to study first" requirement, consider including an introductory section or a "Getting Started" guide at the top of the webpage. This section can offer an overview of the prework and recommend a logical order for studying the topics.

  5. Finally, you can style the webpage to make it visually appealing and easy to navigate, and then host it on a web server.

This solution should provide a clear and organized study guide for boot camp students. If you have any specific questions or need further assistance with the implementation, feel free to ask. Good luck with your project!