notmarek / BeFake

BeReal Python API wrapper
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Viewing the posts in a nice way #25

Closed ArtrenH closed 2 years ago

ArtrenH commented 2 years ago

Currently, there is no way in this repo to visualise the data, that is being downloaded. That's why I made an application with Flask that currently only displays posts of friends. You can find it here, if you are interested:

(Sorry for creating an Issue for that, I didn't find a better way to post this but I thought y'all could find it interesting.)

notmarek commented 2 years ago

Would you mind if I put a link to your project into the readme?

s-alad commented 2 years ago

Not to try and steal Artren's show, but I've also worked on a react client for viewing friend posts, comments, reactions based on many of the endpoints found here

ArtrenH commented 2 years ago

@notmarek That would be great, maybe you can just put @s-alad s project in the Readme too.