notmarek / Sakurajima Python API wrapper
MIT License
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Discussing some recent changes. #29

Closed DhanrajHira closed 4 years ago

DhanrajHira commented 4 years ago

I have recently made quite a lot of changes to the API, but I have not talked about any of them. I apologize for this, I am making this thread to discuss recent changes, what I changed and my rationale behind it.

All the new downloading changes are implemented using the download_using_downloader() method. The hope is that in the future we can simply rename this method to download() and remove the old download() method.

notmarek commented 4 years ago

Thank you for all your hard work and great contributions!

notmarek commented 4 years ago

Added progress bar to multi threaded downloads in

DhanrajHira commented 4 years ago

I am glad to be of help :) On a side note, I built a small CLI to download animes using Sakurajima but I am unsure of what to name it, can you suggest me a good name. Also, I know this is silly but is this repo named after Mai Sakurajima from Bunny Girl Senpai?

notmarek commented 4 years ago

Yeah it is, it's also one of the subdomains aniwatch uses for their videos -

DhanrajHira commented 4 years ago

We already have Sakurajima and Kurisu so maybe we should name the CLI Kaguya? Or maybe we should just name it "Sakurajima CLI"?

notmarek commented 4 years ago

Kaguya sounds good.