notnmeyer / tsk

A really, really simple task runner. Single binary, TOML task format.
MIT License
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wildcards when running tasks #87

Open notnmeyer opened 3 weeks ago

notnmeyer commented 3 weeks ago

something like,

task *:build *:test

it would help keep the the task count down on more complex stuff, or in monorepos. no need for a "build-all" task in this case.

should we enforce a particular order when running them (alphabetically)? or should they run in parallel?

probably shouldnt have regex support, seems too scary to accidentally a task you didn't mean to

notnmeyer commented 3 weeks ago

another option could be to extend --filter <regex> to also support running tasks, like, tsk --filter <regex>. maybe in that case the previous command displays a list of what would run, and then you have to confirm it with, task --filter <regex> --run?
