notofonts / egyptian-hieroglyphs

Noto Egyptian Hieroglyphs
SIL Open Font License 1.1
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U14 pilot PR #8

Closed Mercury13 closed 11 months ago

Mercury13 commented 11 months ago

One hiero per two-thee days — is it OK? No editable SVGs right now, but I can give them.

Mercury13 commented 11 months ago

Working on #3!

Mercury13 commented 11 months ago

You are free to review and accept/reject, I’ll make a new one.

dwerning commented 11 months ago



Mercury13 commented 11 months ago

Sorry, concerns on 02D, do in the evening.

Mercury13 commented 11 months ago

@dwerning, Is old Noto’s curved beard sensible anywhere, or it should be replaced with new one everywhere?

Mercury13 commented 11 months ago

@dwerning, 02D OK

Mercury13 commented 11 months ago

@dwerning Maybe posture of 018 → 017, 019 → 018? Or what are relations between 017, 018 and 019? If three different → maybe no change, and U14 misfired? Segoe does three different, but difference is not so drastic. I didn’t check U5. U14 states that 017=018<019. My 1st stone: make it out of 018 by leaning more and making a new stick.

Mercury13 commented 11 months ago

@dwerning Stopping at 03E for now, is it OK?

dwerning commented 11 months ago

Review by (@dwerning)

Thank you for your work on this!

dwerning commented 11 months ago

@dwerning Maybe posture of 018 → 017, 019 → 018? Or what are relations between 017, 018 and 019? If three different → maybe no change, and U14 misfired? Segoe does three different, but difference is not so drastic. I didn’t check U5. U14 states that 017=018<019. My 1st stone: make it out of 018 by leaning more and making a new stick.

Gardiner states that 018 is "less senile" than 017. Both are old man. However, his font renders both the same, afais, except for the differend ending of the stick. 019 is not an old man, always fully straight.

Mercury13 commented 11 months ago

@dwerning What about 03A? U15’s image changed, description is “seated Syrian holding stick”. image

dwerning commented 11 months ago

What about 03A? U15’s image changed, description is “seated Syrian holding stick”.

The current headdress is the one of gods and females. For 03A it is supposed to be a foreigner headdress.

It is prepared to change this shape towards grafik in Unicode v16.

Mercury13 commented 11 months ago

@dwerning I’ll repeat a question: 1) could you show me 068’s hat in more detail? 2) Should I change his left foot or leave as is; Gardiner and U14 are both green.

dwerning commented 11 months ago

1) could you show me 068’s hat in more detail? 2) Should I change his left foot or leave as is; Gardiner and U14 are both green.

1) A good model best representing original Gardiner shape is in "Segoe UI Historic" ( grafik It is, scientifically, not quite clear what kind of headdress this primeval god should have (cf. However, the common man's headdress as in Hieroglyphica/Unicode v9/JSesh/Noto is seemingly wrong. One particularly clear example is C11-LCCS1K-plate27-col1fromleft-realimg Sign TSL_1_1292, in: Thot Sign List <>, edited by Université de Liège and Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften.

2) It would be great to change it towads the normal sitting posture like in 000, 04E, ...

Mercury13 commented 11 months ago

@dwerning 1305A — also change beard? image

Mercury13 commented 11 months ago

@dwerning As 068 wears some big hat → leave no ear?

Mercury13 commented 11 months ago

@dwerning 03A has new hair from scratch, does not intersect with every other's hair → right?

Mercury13 commented 11 months ago

@dwerning 064, 069 to 06D, 06F to 071, 074 — also change beards?

dwerning commented 11 months ago


("074", 075[!]: no beard)

Mercury13 commented 11 months ago

I’ve left version with ear, I’ll make. 075 already done, I just looked for gods in my Unicodia which, of course, does not have new glyphs. Checked once again: removed cap from crown, redrew stem sticking from crown, removed beard.

Mercury13 commented 11 months ago

@dwerning Final checks before merging: 017, 02D, 02E, 05A, 068 I’ll make gods one by one, and if this PR isn’t merged then, I’ll commit all at once.

Mercury13 commented 11 months ago

@dwerning And 075, of course.

Mercury13 commented 11 months ago

@dwerning Also done 064, 069, 06A, 06B, 06C, 06D, 06F. All people and gods OK?

Mercury13 commented 11 months ago

@dwerning 06A is mirrored 069; 06C is mirrored 06B. Right?

Mercury13 commented 11 months ago

@dwerning Please!

dwerning commented 11 months ago
dwerning commented 11 months ago

I wonder why some signs appear at the top of the list when I load the ufo into my FontForge: grafik

dwerning commented 11 months ago

@Mercury13 Sorry, I just realize now, 033 (-- my mistake --), as well as 035-037 are supposed to have the long/curved-at-the-end god's beard. This was a little bit debatable (see But it will be changed to god's beard in v16, see grafik

Mercury13 commented 11 months ago

King but divine beard? Interesting. I’ll make. King with king’s beard are other hieros that’ll come in U16?

Mercury13 commented 11 months ago

I wonder why some signs appear at the top of the list when I load the ufo into my FontForge: grafik

This is font-internal order of glyphs.

Mercury13 commented 11 months ago

@dwerning 064: redrew Min’s feathered crown from scratch without extra details; check whether OK 033: replaced straight king’s beard with curved god’s one 035 036 037: replaced straight king’s beard with curved god’s one, reversed curve directions so outer is CW

As font builder does big job of fixing directions, I didn’t fix for myself unless actually touched.

Do 036 and 075 portray the same crown? Whose image is better? Maybe I’ll replace them all with the best one?

Mercury13 commented 11 months ago

@dwerning What to do with 076, 17D?

dwerning commented 11 months ago

King but divine beard? Interesting. I’ll make. King with king’s beard are other hieros that’ll come in U16?

The tricky thing is that pharaoh is king and god at the same time. The rules of interplay with specific crowns is partly unclear (at least to me). In Thot Sign List there ar not clear examples for 035 with king's beard, but only for god's beard. For 033 both shapes are testified: Consequently, 035 in Gardiner/Unicode v.5.2 and again in v16 had/will have the god's beard with 035-037 and -- to be consistent with the parallel 035-037 -- also 033.

Yes, versions with kings beard are going to be in the larger set (*68A/B in the proposal I have asked the font designer to make the beards more clearly a kings beard. Thanks for pointing at this question.

dwerning commented 11 months ago
Mercury13 commented 11 months ago

Thank you, tonight. I see that 035 has something hanging from the crown. So 075 remake crown 076 short beard, IDK black or outlined — I’ll better make it bolder but not completely black 17D short beard

dwerning commented 11 months ago

... 17D short beard

BTW: this was also a very tricky issue. Attestations often seem to have the god's beard (but not always?), cf. and (all not very clear). However, Gardiner and v9-15 all have it short (men's beard?) (v5.2 had no beard mistakenly). So the Unicode discussion group decided to stick to that shape og Gardiner/v9-15 for the time being.

Mercury13 commented 11 months ago

@dwerning 075 = 038 − beard − cloak 076 changed beard 17D shorter beard, removed curves from rectilinear segments, fixed direction

dwerning commented 11 months ago
Mercury13 commented 11 months ago

@dwerning Can merge now 34 hieros: crowns, beards?

dwerning commented 11 months ago

@dwerning Can merge now 34 hieros: crowns, beards?

Looks good to me.

Mercury13 commented 11 months ago

@simoncozens Merge now?

Mercury13 commented 11 months ago

Final check (first date when committed, then when checked) --- 00 --- 00A Oct 9-10 OK 015 (erroneously referred as 005) Oct 09-10 OK 017 Oct 13-16 OK 02D Oct 13-16 OK 02E Oct 14-16 OK --- 05 --- 032 Oct 9-10 OK 033 Oct 16-17 OK 034 Oct 10-13 OK 035 036 Oct 16-17 OK --- 10 --- 037 Oct 16-17 OK 038 039 03A 03B Oct 10-13 OK --- 15 --- 03C 03D 03E Oct 10-13 OK 03F Oct 12-13/16 OK 040 Oct 12-13 OK --- 20 --- 04E Oct 12-13 OK 057 Oct 13 (I fell very tired on 12th, then woke up at night and worked a bit) OK 05A Oct 14-16 OK 064 Oct 16-17 OK 068 Oct 14-16 OK --- 25 --- 069 06A 06B 06C 06D Oct 15-16 OK --- 30 --- 06F Oct 15-16 OK 075 076 17D Oct 18 (worked at night though do not remember 😲) OK --- Total 34

Gods, people and humanoids only