notofonts / noto-build

Scripts, data and libraries to work with Noto fonts and sources
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NotoSerifBalinese does not exist (and then exists) #20

Open marekjez86 opened 3 years ago

marekjez86 commented 3 years ago

noto-build % for i in Balinese Bamum BassaVah Batak Bengali ; do echo "====== Sans $i"; python3 ./ --name "NotoSans-$i" --output ttf --scripts Latin Greek Cyrillic $i --contrast Sans --weight Regular Medium SemiBold Bold --width Normal --preset ExtendedCyrillic ExtendedGreek UnicodeLatin ; sleep 36; echo "====== Serif $i"; python3 ./ --name "NotoSerif-$i" --output ttf --scripts Latin Greek Cyrillic $i --contrast Serif --weight Regular Medium SemiBold Bold --width Normal --preset ExtendedCyrillic ExtendedGreek UnicodeLatin ; done ====== Sans Balinese NotoSerifBalinese does not exist.Removed from writing system list

Gather fonts to build NotoSans-Balinese Regular The followings fonts can be merged: ✓ NotoSans-Regular.ttf INFO: starts merging INFO: ends merging

Gather fonts to build NotoSans-Balinese Medium The followings fonts can be merged: ✓ NotoSans-Medium.ttf INFO: starts merging INFO: ends merging

Gather fonts to build NotoSans-Balinese SemiBold The followings fonts can be merged: ✓ NotoSans-SemiBold.ttf INFO: starts merging INFO: ends merging

Gather fonts to build NotoSans-Balinese Bold The followings fonts can be merged: ✓ NotoSans-Bold.ttf INFO: starts merging INFO: ends merging

====== Serif Balinese INFO: NotoSerifBalinese download begin

Gather fonts to build NotoSerif-Balinese Regular The followings fonts can be merged: ✓ NotoSerif-Regular.ttf ✓ NotoSerifBalinese-Regular.ttf

WARN: U+0000 U+0020 U+00A0 U+200B U+200C U+200D U+000D U+25CC are removed from NotoSerifBalinese-Regular.ttf
INFO: NotoSerifBalinese subseted
INFO: starts merging
INFO: ends merging

Gather fonts to build NotoSerif-Balinese Medium The followings fonts can be merged: ✓ NotoSerif-Medium.ttf ✓ NotoSerifBalinese-Regular.ttf [FALLBACK] INFO: NotoSerifBalinese subseted INFO: starts merging INFO: ends merging

Gather fonts to build NotoSerif-Balinese SemiBold The followings fonts can be merged: ✓ NotoSerif-SemiBold.ttf ✓ NotoSerifBalinese-Regular.ttf [FALLBACK] INFO: NotoSerifBalinese subseted INFO: starts merging INFO: ends merging

Gather fonts to build NotoSerif-Balinese Bold The followings fonts can be merged: ✓ NotoSerif-Bold.ttf ✓ NotoSerifBalinese-Regular.ttf [FALLBACK] INFO: NotoSerifBalinese subseted INFO: starts merging INFO: ends merging

nizarsq commented 3 years ago

Same thing here, I believe it has to do with HTTP limit exceeded. This might be helpfull