notofonts / noto-cjk

Noto CJK fonts
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MAYBE, a Weight Name "DemiLight" is Wrong. I think "SemiLight" is true. #121

Closed kamex-kumax closed 6 years ago

kamex-kumax commented 6 years ago

I'm using a windows 7 in Japan. on Japanese Windows, English weight name is translate automatically. like that, Regular⇒標準 / Bold⇒太字 / (no weight name)⇒(added)標準

but Weight name "DemiLight" is translate like that DemiLight⇒DemiLight 標準

and 350 weight font file of "Yu Gothic UI", Microsoft official font, is "Yu Gothic UI Semilight." MAYBE, Better 350 weight font name is "SemiLight", NOT "DemiLight."

kenlunde commented 6 years ago

There is no such thing as an incorrect or wrong weight name. All of the 'name' table strings in the Noto CJK fonts are English-only, and if an OS or app does not translate it appropriately, it is not a font issue. Rather, it is an OS or app limitation.