Noto fonts can be obtained from
If you find a problem with a released font, then please use this template to file a defect report.
Before filing your report, please check if the issue has been fixed in the latest development build. You can get development builds by finding the font family on and following the link to "Development builds".
Should be brief but contain essential information.
Full file name, for example 'NotoSansArmenian-Regular.ttf'.
You can upload the problem font here unless it is a Chinese, Japanese or Korean font (these are large).
Mac - right mouse click on a font and try Preview to see version info.
Win -- right mouse click on a font (Local Disc > Windows > Fonts) and see version info on Properties.
Linux -- use (Gnome) Font Viewer: open a font and click on Info tab.
OS name and version
This is especially important if the font came pre-installed.
Application name and version
If the issue is observed using a specific app.
Summarize the issue briefly -- one paragraph preferred
Steps to reproduce
Observed results
Expected results
Additional information
Unicode chart, technical specs, shaping info, comparison with non-Noto fonts, comparison with earlier version of the same font (regression cases)
Character data
Please include real character data to illustrate your issue-- Unicode codepoints are helpful. This makes it possible for developers who don't know the language or script to copy/paste the text to reproduce the issue.
If possible, include a screenshot or an image illustrating the issue.
Annotations are also helpful.
Tools for reporting bugs
Harfbuzz hb-view and hb-shape
These are part of the HarfBuzz distribution and can help isolate if an issue is in the app/OS, shaping engine, or font.
hb-view renders the text with the exact font (for example, to see how ligatured characters shape) using your installed version of HarfBuzz.
For example:
hb-view --font-file {path to font} --text-file {path to text file} --output-file '{sample}.png'
hb-shape shows glyph selection and positioning
Fontview displays the text.
Fontdiff displays the text using two versions of the font side by side.
Defect Report
Where the font came from, and when
Font Version
OS name and version
Application name and version
Character data
Tools for reporting bugs
Harfbuzz hb-view and hb-shape
These are part of the HarfBuzz distribution and can help isolate if an issue is in the app/OS, shaping engine, or font.
For example: