notofonts / notobuilder

Python module for building Noto fonts
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Name table issues #8

Open davelab6 opened 3 years ago

davelab6 commented 3 years ago reports some name table issues

marekjez86 commented 3 years ago

copied from the twit "These ftxmakettc errors suggest 'name' table issues in a small number of #Noto fonts, to include Variable Fonts and an apparent duplicate (annotated in a red box)" EokfoCTVoAktHtA EokfoCTVoAU2D9Y

codeman38 commented 3 years ago

Likely related: installing the latest NotoSans-VF.ttf on Windows 10 20H2 shows all styles as having the name "Regular".

Windows font previewer showing all styles of Noto Sans labeled as "Regular"

Edit: This is probably due to the STAT and/or fvar tables rather than the name table per se. Filed notofonts/notobuilder#9 about this.