notofonts / old-hungarian

Noto Old Hungarian
SIL Open Font License 1.1
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Unknown -> unreadable ligatures in Old Hungarian font #7

Closed ghost closed 3 years ago

ghost commented 4 years ago

Old Hungarian font has ligatures (without any UNICODE code points) which are unknown and unreadable. These ligatures maybe planned by a small group. Unknown ligatures must to be removed from the font: font NotoSansOldHungarian-Regular.otf

Several of the unknown ligatures: unknown unknown2

ghost commented 4 years ago

@marekjez86 or another contributor, Please remove ligatures, with conversation another Old Hungarian user groups.

ghost commented 4 years ago

I just dropped an e-mail to a member of another Old Hungarian fan users, sent him the first one screenshot. He answered, that he never seen that kind of "ligature".

ghost commented 4 years ago

There are another Old Hungarian homepages: They don't use ligatures. They don't use acute symbol for long vowels. Another one: They uses ligatures, but it works with special keyboard. The element of the ligatures have code points. They don't use acute symbol for long vowels.

ghost commented 4 years ago

@google-admin The Old Hungarian is already developed, but added some unknown ligatures, without UNICODE entrypoint, because of that never will work. These letters aren't part of UNICODE standard, and most of them never was used or not proved. Before the standardization of Old Hungarian symbols had been an congress in Hungary, where decided wich symbols need to encode to the standard. The standard table is: The Old Hungarian letters are historic letters, nowadays some small groups try to modernize it. The second thing, during the History never used these letters with acute, and another symbols. Acute, and other symbols required only Latin based Hungarian texts, because the origin latin letters isn't enought for writing Hungarian texts. Latin based texts as phonetic as it possible. These are: á (long open a), é (long open e), í (long i),ó (long o), ö (same as German ö), ő (long ö),ú(long u), ü (special Hungarian sound), ű (long ü). The other vowels, with any kind of combining with modifier signs used only when must to write foreign names or expressions. There are several consonant combination in latin based Hungarian text, too (for examle ny as soft n). Unfortunatelly the explamation of Old Hungarian letters is written "telegraphy" style letters in UNICODE, describing readable for Hungarian users. For example:
aa ->á oe -> ö oee ->ő etc. Hovewer the symbols was used RTL, LTR and Top-to-down forms during the history, the widelly accepted is RTL form. Old Hungarian symbols encoded the UNICODE RTL area. In my opinion need clear these unnnecessary ligatures and combining marks, and close all open Issues about these modifications. The another thing,in my opinion LTR form of Old Hungarian font must be removed, following the strict standard.

ghost commented 4 years ago

@google-admin following document describe Old Hungarian as rtl script:

ghost commented 4 years ago

@google-admin Documents about UNICODE areas:

sztamasr commented 4 years ago

@google-admin Kixidevel write the truth. No acute like chars required for the Old Hungarian font. There are unknown ligatures inside the font, without any UNICODE codepoints, which never wil be appear. These characters aren't part of the UNICODE standard called Old Hungarian. There are Issues must to close. Issue notofonts/noto-fonts#1374 and notofonts/noto-fonts#1364. Must be close notofonts/noto-fonts#1662 pull request, too.

sztamasr commented 4 years ago

@google-admin When the Issues and pull reguest closed above, and the hidden ligatures removed, the Old Hungarian font will be made. No more changes required.

ghost commented 4 years ago

@marekjez86 @google-admin First I apologize for the critics, I didn't know, how the ligatures works. The left-to-right part of font works correctly. BUT: the ligature definitions are caotical. Képernyőkép erről: 2020-04-05 10-56-13 For example ligature above defined as "ab" ligature, but this form of ligature must be "szb", as it You look clearly. May I resolve these problem? BUT: Unfortunately it never will be works on Windows, because they didn't follow the standards, and the Old Hungarian keyboard developers must to add to all keys on their layout prefix or postfix Right-to-Left Marks. AND: Never used above acute and double above dots and that kind of signs in the Old Hungarian script. AND: HOWEVER the font has good form of ligatures, BUT has unreadable ligatures, too.

ghost commented 4 years ago

@marekjez86 @google-admin I am resolving ligature forms' problems, i am making capital ligatures. But I never will add acutes, and its "friends", because thats was burned in 21th century, not during history.

ghost commented 4 years ago

@marekjez86 @google-admin Following document I wrote the critical letters. art Letters in first section must be remove. Those could be not prepared. Others I will prepare for readable, or keep him. The automatic ligature method could be miss. For example v+v produce the form of widely accepted w, but vv is not the same with w in Hungarian spelling. I am working on it.

ghost commented 3 years ago

@marekjez86: I close It.