notofonts / symbols

Noto Symbols
SIL Open Font License 1.1
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19 Japanese TV symbols to be added to Noto Symbols #43

Closed roozbehp closed 8 years ago

roozbehp commented 8 years ago

Unicode just accepted the proposal at and fast-tracked them for Unicode 9. These are symbols that would be required for all Japanese TVs in a short while.

The codepoints and glyphs are at page 73-80 of There are 18 characters at U+1F19B..U+1F1AC and one at U+1F23B.

Please add them to Noto Symbols.

/cc @marekjez86

marekjez86 commented 8 years ago

@BrianKraimerMT , this is FYI - see comment "Please add them to Noto Symbols."

dougfelt commented 8 years ago

TV symbols added in v1.08 of NotoSansSymbols-Regular.ttf.